♤Parte Dos♤

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•3rd pov•

"You girls are late"
"We are so sorry Mr.Hernández" they both said while rushing to their assigned seats
"Okay now class open your textbooks to pa-"
He was cutoff with two other students opening the door
"Ms.Shin, Ms.Lee you two are late also"
"Mr.Hernández we apologize for being late it won't happen again" Ryujin apologize before taking her seat along with Chaeryeong
"As I was saying open your textbooks to page 157 and read up to 160 and then come to the front to grab you assignment for today"
(Mini time skip to the assignment part)
"Pssst Lia do you know number 17" whispered Yeji
"Yes but I'm not gonna give it to you"
"Liaaaa come on"
"Yeji no...unless you wanna buy me lunch" Lia said while smirking
"Liaaa no please come on"  Lia just kept smirking waiting for Yeji's answer
"Fineeeee" yeji finally said after a while
"I was joking you don't have to buy me lunch i brought my own money but anyways the answer is D" said Lia while smiling
"Nah don't worry about it I'll still buy you lunch but thank you babe" said Yeji while sending finger hearts to Lia as a joke
"Omg" said annoyed Lia "it's too early for your gay stuff"

•Yeji PoV•

"Bro why do I like calling Lia "babe"
Ehhh it's probably just cuz I'm hungry already" Yeji thought to her self


•3rd PoV•

"RINGGGGGGG" the bell rung
"Yeji,Lia,Ryujin,and Chaeryeong please come see me after class" announced Mr.Hernández
The students then started to pack up to go to their next class while the 4 girls made it up to Mr.Hernández desk
"Girls why were yall late to class?" Asked Mr.Hernández in a serious tone
"Me and Yeji were late because her car would turn on" Lia said to Mr.Hernández
"Sorry me and Ryujin were because we couldn't find her car keys"  said Chaeryeong
"Well either way there is still consequences for being late so today Yeji and Lia will have clean the class room after school while tomorrow Ryujin and Chaeryeong will clean up the class after school. Okay girls?"
"Yes sir" they all responded in unison
"OH and Yeji,Lia please stop flirting in my class" Mr.Hernández said before letting them go
"FLIRTING?!?!" Lia yelled out as soon as they left the class
"Does it look like I'll ever flirt OR EVEN DATE with my best friend?!?!"continued Lia yelling to the other girls in disbelief

•Yeji PoV•
"Ouch" that kinda hurt when Lia said that
Ehh it's probably nothing again
"I KNOW YOU LOVE ME LIA" said yeji in a flirty tone
that still Hurt tho

Ummm idk if it's good but I decide to update
Cuz I felt decent today
And random question
If your in school how many classes are you failing
And 2nd question
Do yall have a crush 🤭

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