4: Taking Things Into Her Own Hands- Legs...

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I sit outside in the courtyard, still in my comfy PJs. My short hair was brushed through so I did not look like a total mess. I have moved myself to a stone bench, my arms strong and steady. I pull myself up. I keep pressure on the bench. I try to summon any magic I can in my legs. Not feeling anything, I try anyways. I pull my arms up fast, but I don't even get a second before I go crashing back to the ground. Although before I could hit it, I felt arms underneath mine. They pulled me up and I leaned into whoever was holding me up. I catch my breath and turned around to thank them.

"Thank you," I say before catching a glimpse of their face. Mika. Again.

"You have to be patient, Princess. It is okay, you do not have to recover immediately," She gave me a soft smile. I turned away, feeling my face burn up. I She was very kind, but something did not add up.

"How do you even know all this." I turned back to her. She looked me in the eyes.

"How did I know where you were?"

Those few words, they left me confused. She lifted me back up to the bench, and walked away. I watched her leave, try to make out what she meant. I mean, you can be smart enough to have an idea of where someone is. She definitely is smart enough to know that.

Although, she knew exactly where I was. The correct room and everything.

Maybe she took my magic.

I cannot even prove that. I have nothing, and the way she acts does not even make it seem like it.

It is almost like..she did it to get closer to me. I mean, it would make sense, if she took my magic and then saved me, she would obviously need to help me.

Why would she do that though?

That is when I understood the situation.


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