Part 12

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You finish editing your update video with Simon and upload your video for the day. You go onto your channel and realise that you have 999,980 subs.

"OH MY GOD!" You scream. Vikk, Ethan, Simon and Tobi come rushing in. "What's wrong?" Vikk asks looking worried. "LOOK!" You say as you point to your subs and refresh the page and see that you now have 1,000,000 subs. "WOOOOO!" They all jump around. "Well done!" They all say as they hug you. They all left and you took a pic and posted it on Instagram and Twitter saying thank you to all your subs.

You go downstairs and go into the living room where everyone is sitting down and watching TV. You order pizza for everyone without them knowing and when you heard the doorbell you quietly paid and snuck into the living room with the pizzas "WHO WANTS PIZZAAAA!" You shout which makes everyone jump.

"You got pizza?!" Jj asks with a happy look on his face. "Yeah! Jj this ones yours, Harry this is yours, this is tobis, vikk this is yours, this is Josh's, here's Ethan's and here's Simons." You say as you hand them out, you step into the hall way and get your pizza. You sit on the sofa by Simon and Tobi whilst you all watched a movie. I walked into the kitchen with Tobi and Simon so we could put everyone's pizza boxes in the bin. All of a sudden I felt really dizzy. I told Simon and as soon as I did I fainted into his arms.

"(Y/N)?!" "(Y/N)?!" You heard lots of people say. You could hear them, but you didn't have the strength to wake up and open your eyes. You felt someone's hand in yours and you tightened your grip to it. You could tell it was Simon even though you couldn't see him.

She fainted but I managed to catch her. I layed her down on the floor and told the guys to hurry and see. We tried to wake her up but it wouldn't work. "(Y/N)?!" I said "(Y/N)" Tobi and vikk said. I grabbed hold of her hand and I could've sworn i felt her squeeze my hand. I picked her up and put her into the car. Tobi quickly got in the car and rushed us to the hospital.


(Hey guys, so my chapter before this didn't get 100 reads even when it had been 2 days. But I needed to update my fanfic. Do you guys not like my fanfic now?...
Sorry if you don't like my fanfic anymore... :(
But if you want me to add anything to it then message me or comment.)

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