Chapter 2 - Broken Toy

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Luna Crombe P.O.V. (District 2)

My world. My country. My District. My mountain. My cave. My home. My freezing, icy home. It started as a small, warm cave. But now, after my outbursts, it's a giant labyrinth inside the mountains in District 2. As for the cold, that's my fault. I was a Capitol Experiment gone wrong. After watching a super old movie called Frozen, (Remember- in the future!) the President wanted to create someone like Elsa, who could control ice and snow. So they tried me. A man and woman in the Capitol don't even know that they have a daughter. Because within seconds of being born, I was proclaimed "Dead" and taken by the President's people. I loved my life in the Capitol. I stayed with a Head Peacekeeper and his daughters, Soleil and Gaia. We were all best friends, until the experiments began. I rarely saw them. Blue-blue things started to appear in my food. My once silky blue hair turned white. My blue eyes turned icy gray. But they couldn't control me. They took me from my family, stole my friends, and made me the cruel monster that I am. And yet, I wouldn't give in. They altered me and gave me shots and injected me with poison but couldn't control me. They would try to get me to hit a target, move snow, create sculptures, anything. And it never worked. But as soon as I got 'home', I would explode. Ice shards would fly everywhere, everything would become encased with ice, the mansion turned into a land of winter. Then it became clear:I was defective. The word fills me with rage, like I was a broken toy. But in their eyes, I was. They shipped me off to District 2 with the Peacekeeper family. But now, they had no love for me. The Capitol ripped them away from the lives they had, shipped them to District 2, and, just to make it even, killed their only son, Geb. So now they don't care for me. And now, I sit in an icy cave, trying to prevent an outburst. They happen sometimes. Like when I got tripped and twisted my ankle, small ice shards hit the wall. Or when my only friend, Corrin was killed by a little girl from District 11 who just so happened to be a crack shot with throwing knives. Then the entire cave was covered in ice, and snow rained down from the sky. That's when I realized how strong I was. Of course, my strength meant nothing as I try to save myself from myself. But I can't. After minutes of screaming, shooting out ice, and things I don't remember, I calm down. I know that in about 5 minutes, a woman dressed in black will knock on the side of the cave. She will be with two girls, dressed identically. They will be in mini dresses, one of them green, and the other one red. The bodice of the dresses will be gold. The sleeves will be the same color as the skirt. Their hair will be in a high ponytails, one of them red streaked with gold, the other green streaked with gold. They will each where wedges matching their dresses. And they will have a necklace with a key on it. Within a couple minutes, this happens. I get up at the knock, and walk to the entrance of the cave. The four of us walk to the square, our heels clattering on the pavement. As we wait, a Peacekeeper walks over to us and takes off his helmet and kisses the woman In black, while hugging us. Then he walks off. I am in awe of the Capitols Charades. It really does make us look like a happy family. The two girls, Soleil and Gaia, and I walk to the 15 year old section. We wait to hear who has been picked as 'Beautiful' and will enter this years Games.

"Our first female is... Valerie Slate!" Cleopatra Magyc, our escort says.

A strong but petite looking girl walks out of the 16 year old section. She has gray eyes, like me, and light brown hair. I can already tell that she will be a vicious Career tribute. I also can see the glint of a knife. Once welcoming Valerie, Cleopatra moves on.

"And our second female is... Luna Crombe!"

My stomach drops. People stare, and must think I'm a Career. But I'm not. I live in a cave, without anyone. I have no training. At all. I can already tell that Valerie will pick me off right in the beginning. Slowly, I step onto the stage. Valerie and I hold our hands up, and I catch a Peacekeeper looking at me. And two girls in the crowd, crying. With red and green hair. Maybe they do really care about me. But it's too late. Because I am on the way to my death.

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