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​Have you ever had a dream,
So fragile?
So delicate,
That you kept it neatly folded,
In a glass jar,
Locked in a cupboard.
Do you often look at it,
And smile subtly,
Afraid it might shatter
If your smile deepens?
Do you think of your dreams,
As often as it rains?
Or you're scared,
That if you dream any further,
Its beauty,
May no longer be retained?
Do you let your dreams live,
But only so much,
No more or less than,
What is considered decent?
Are they bound by the false wires
Of reality?
I can tell you,
that dreams,
are not meant to live this way.
Dreams are meant ,
To drift their feet,
And flap their wings.
Dreams are meant,
To fly through the barriers,
And soar high in the sky.
Dreams are meant ,
To take a flight,
And surrender,
itself to the never ending universe.
Dreams are meant,
to awaken the hearts,
And reignite the soul.
Little by little,
Let your dreams,
out of the glass jar,
And let them unfold on their own.
Take some clippers,
And remove the wires,
Letting your dreams,
Breathe a little.
At a time,
Until they no longer,
feel the need,
to keep themselves,
Folded and caged,
And fly freely,
That their natural ways,
Are good.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2023 ⏰

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