Mapping Land Masses(and new conlang inspirations)

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A video was posted, and it regards the methods Edgar would use for thinking of ideas for a supercontinent via G-Plates.

Now, you've already read my two conworld plans for continents. I'm not well-versed with G-Plates, and I doubt there could be some laptops to use it on, like Chromebooks. So those 2-D things, which I'm most well-versed with, are the only things to stick with. If you possess enough familiarity with G-Plates, maybe you could animate my plans.

In other news, I just recalled looking at the conlang showcase videos by SpaceDirt and decided to mix some of his dead conlangs with others as well as other languages for something new.

I just need good candidates to overlap them with, especially considering the original cultures speaking those languages. And I'm thinking that overlapping Laghama with Ts'ap'u-K'ama and Richulzn with Oqolaawak would be the idea.

Another idea involves mixing some of the languages of the Birasne Feor family with other languages and/or conlangs.

I'm considering mixing Birasne Feor with Proto-Thirēan. They possess matching phonologies, so it could be interesting to take some creative liberties worth taking.

Consonants: m, n, ŋ, p, pʰ, ᵐb, t, tʰ, ⁿd, k, kʰ, ᵑɡ, q, ʔ, s, ɬ, ħ, h, l, w

Vowels: i, ɨ, u, e, o, a, with long and short variance of each

Syllable structure: (C)V(C)

A mixture of Agēre and Nekāchti is planned as well. Maybe a mix between Ancient Thirēan with Fiðasan, one between Keor Nivie with Classical Thirēan, and Norasse with Old Nekāchti.

Consonants: p, t, k, m, n, β, v, θ, s, ç, l, tθ, ts, tɕ

Vowels: ???

This other conlang idea is a mix between Vostyach(or a version of it) with Wukchumni Yokut. Maybe it could descend from a mix of Proto-Uralo-Siberian with Proto-Yokut.

Consonants: ???

p, t, ʈ, k, ʔ, m, n, ŋ, s, ʂ, x, j, l, pʼ, tʼ, kʼ, w, tʃ, tʼ, pʰ, tʰ, ʈʰ, kʰ, mˀ, nˀ, jˀ, ŋˀ, lˀ, wˀ, h, tʃʰ, tʃʼ

p, t, tʲ, k, m, n, nʲ, v, ð, ðʲ, s, sʲ, ɣ, r, l, lʲ, j, w, ts 

Vowels: ???

i, iː, ɨ, ɨː, u, uː, e, eː, o, oː, a, aː

i, ɨ, u, e, ə, o, ä, a 

Syllable structure: ???

I might find some extra ideas.

Now, this piece might help out with custom plate movements for Earth-like planets.

With this in mind, there could be ideas for people to think about for new seas that might eventually become oceans as continents drift further apart, and vice versa when continents join each other.

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