Episode Eighteen

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As Ryan sat down with everyone else he smiled as he did. Everyone was talking about some fun games, party games, hide and seek? What are we? Children? "I mean.. I haven't played hide and seek since fifth grade!" Emma exclaimed.

"Oh hell no! I'm not playing a childish game." Kaitlyn exclaimed in reply. It was split about 50/50 between hide and seek or not;

"So.. Ryan, it's up to you." Jacob said expecting a reply. "I don't.. I don't know?" Ryan shrugged. "Say yes!" Dylan exclaimed out of excitement. "Say no!" Nick exclaimed sounding irritated.

"I'm kinda tired, I might actually head to bed." Ryan said looking around not wanting to disappoint anyone. "Oh, goodnight then." Emma said waving slightly. Ryan stood up at the same time Dylan did, as Ryan walked to one of the guest rooms Dylan rushed up behind him.

"What was that thing you wanted to talk about?" Dylan said tapping the back of Ryan's shoulder. "Huh? Oh, right. Well how about in the morning?" Ryan said pretending to be tired by yawning afterward; obviously forced.

"No! You said you'd tell me tonight!" Dylan exclaimed scrunching his eyebrows. "Well I'm tired so.. in the morning." Ryan replied shrugging. "It'll be quick! Please!" Dylan complained. "Nah, goodnight." Ryan replied smiling and walking away. Dylan sighed before saying; "Goodnight.." He sounded unimpressed, he was quite excited.

Walking back to the group and sitting down next to Kaitlyn, whom elbowed him. "What did he say?" Kaitlyn asked TOTALLYY not implying something. "He layed it off until tomorrow." Dylan replied.

"Hey!" Emma exclaimed snapping her fingers. "Did you hear me?" She asked like one of those teachers. "Uhm... no. Maybe your girlfriend did?" Dylan said scouting away from Kaitlyn leaving her blushing. "I- I AM NOT-" Kaitlyn began before taking a deep breath.

"Well I asked who your going to homecoming with, or what your wearing.. seeing as it is on Friday." Emma said, god knows that Emma will have the 'best' dress.

"Oh well.. I don't know?" Dylan said shrugging, "well I'm wearing a white and black dress! Unlike Mr. indecisive over here." Kaitlyn said pointing at Dylan who rolled his eyes in response.

"Psh, I mean there's this suit I want to wear.." Dylan said to get Kaitlyn to shut up. Everyone continued chatting while certain topics came up, and everyone got tired after awhile.

Emma just pointed toward a group of guest rooms, soon enough Dylan smiled got up and seamlessly followed everyone leaving Kaitlyn and Emma. Walking by a hallway dedicated to guest rooms? What the fuck?

Walking down the hallway, he just slipped himself into one of the guest rooms. What an extravagant home!  Walking over to the rooms bed he face planted into its pillow, covering himself in a blanket. Slowly falling asleep;

In the morning he rolled out of bed falling into the floor. "OUW-" he had exclaimed getting up off the ground, "stupid floor, stupid floor." He mumbled walking out of the room at the same time as Jacob.

"Hey dy- Oh Jeez your hair." He said with a concerned tone of voice. "Shut up;" Dylan replied swishing his hair back to fix it. Walking toward the kitchen for a snack, he found a popsicle. "You shouldn't eat popsicles for breakfast." Ryan said appearing out of nowhere behind him. "You shut up too." Dylan said beginning to eat said popsicle.

As he turned to walk the other way he spun around quickly and sped walked back to Ryan. "Ryannn." Dylan said with an ominous smile. "What?" He replied staring blankly toward him as he leaned on the kitchen counter.

"Tell me the thingy thing now!" Dylan said with starry eyes, "Thingy Thing?" Ryan said smirking. "Just tell me the thing." Dylan said sighing and rolling his eyes. "Well... would you be willing to.." Ryan began with wide eyes. "Willing to..?" Dylan said super invested.

"Willing to hang out later! Obviously!" Ryan said forcing a laugh afterward which was just "Ha. Ha. Ha." Before basically sprinting away to join everyone else in the living room. "I.. I didn't even answer?" Dylan said standing there simply confused.

Slowly following behind Ryan he sat down still weirded out. As Kaitlyn and Dylan got to whispering Kaitlyn brought up; "so did he ask you homecoming?" She asked in a hopeful accent. "Nope.." Dylan said shrugging it off.

Ryan was sitting across the room fiddling with his fingers. Basically beating himself up inside, avoiding it? Really? It's never been like this before, I mean he's never liked a guy before so that might play a factor.

"Ryan, why you so nervous?" Abi pointed out. "Oh.. uh.. Nothing!" Ryan said reassuringly, he could see out of the corner of his eye... Dylan giving him a look of confusion.

Ugh, regret am I right?

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