- fifteen -

713 18 75

Rubi Jones
February 10th, 2018 - Somewhere After Midnight

"Can you grab my underwear?"

Harry's eyes were washed out and hazy as he sat at the edge of the bed, trying to catch up with his breathing after going for four rounds in five different positions. His bare back was slicked with sweat, rising and falling as he took a moment to collect himself.

"Where are they?" he hiccuped, the remnants of his intoxication lingering heavily. I sighed, lifting myself up from my starfish position. As I lifted up my torso, a stinging pain shot up my abdomen.

"Fuck," I grunted, sighing in defeat and plopping back down, "you threw them. You tell me." He huffed, slowly rising from the mattress. His naked body moved at a turtles pace, stumbling around the room and scouring the floor for my pair of lacy black panties.

"Aha!" Harry bent down and scooped up the fabric, triumphantly holding them up in the air with his finger. "Found them."

A small smile sprawled onto my cheeks as I watched him waltz back to the bed. He had gotten more and more intoxicated with each minute that passed. After the moment we had shared; me passed out on his chest in exhaustion, him running his hands softly through my hair, I had been the most relaxed I've felt in weeks. Existing as one. With that dirtbag 'Harry fucking Styles'.

The man that can make you feel like nothing, yet everything, all at once.

His arms were wrapped around me tightly, like a cocoon to its butterfly. His chest was warm. So, so warm. I could've laid there for hours. Intertwined with him. But it took me a moment to remember why I was there with him in the first place.

I stayed sprawled out on the mattress, staring at him with concentrated eyes as he mindlessly fiddled with my underwear.

"Can I have them back now?" I chuckled, watching him stare at the small strip of fabric like he was trying to solve a Rubik's cube. My question snapped him out of his childlike space out. He turned to me with those same emerald green, coked up, honeypot eyes. I couldn't help but sink into the mattress a bit, finding the sincerity in his gaze for a moment. Fucking hell.

He extended his hand out to me, the panties still draped over his finger, but then quickly pulled it back.

"Waaaaiiittt," he whined.

"Whaaaaat?" I shot back, mocking his nasally tone.

"Can I put them back on for you?" He mumbled quietly, scooting his body closer to mine. I cocked my brow at him, trying to read his eyes but also getting lost in them in the process.

"Sure." I shrugged, looking up at the sleek white ceiling of the hotel room in an attempt to pull myself out of his irises. I could feel Harry moving around on the mattress, slightly bouncing with each of his movements.

"Wait. I'm gonna put my underwear," his sentence was broken by a hiccup "back on."

I nodded and closed my eyes, seeing sparkles and stars in the darkness beneath my eyelids. "Okay," I giggled at his slurred words as he shuffled around the room to find his, also misplaced, underwear.

A minute or two passed, and Harry had fumbled his way back onto the bed with ease. He had begun to crawl closer to me, my panties in hand. As I lie there half naked, his eyes are trained exclusively on my face, taking a moment here and there to slowly blink or shake his head, which I had assumed was meant to keep him awake.

"Okay, how are we gonna do this?" he jumbled, sitting side by side with my bare legs. He took his pointer finger and blindly ran it up my thigh, sending a jolt of electricity through my body.

Love, Rubi ❦ H.S.Where stories live. Discover now