The Nanny (Arranged Marriage BoyxBoy) Chapter 8

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*3rd person P.O.V*


The next morning Dominic slowly limped out of his bedroom, grumbling incoherently down the hallway. "Well, lookit at what we got here!" Daniel's voice came piercing through the grumbles,"Was Eli a tad rough with you last night little brother?" Daniel goaded whilst slapping a hand sharply on his younger siblings back.

"Get the fuck off me man." Dom replied harshly, jerking away from Daniels hand. The older male chuckled and shook his head, and continued walking with his brother. After a few short minutes, Daniel broke the silence "You should be nicer to him you know. " Dom snorted and stopped to face his older acquaintance "I think you should mind your own damn business." he started to walk away when Daniel quickly grabbed his arm in a scolding 'Older sibling" way. "Look just because you don't like the situation, that doesn't give you the right to treat a normal human being like shit and throw a damn tantrum like a 2 year old, you really think he's happy with this decision? No he's not. He feels the same way you do, so don't go thinking you're all high and mighty just because you're pissed off. Time to grow up and act like a decent person for once. Got it?"

The tension was so thick between them you could cut it with a knife, Dom scowled, opened his mouth to argue, when their mothers voice traveled through the hallway, "Boys! Hurry up! Breakfast is ready! Get Eli up!" the sound of her heels clicking on the marble flooring faded. The younger male scoffed and tore away from his brothers grip.

Daniel audibly sighed. Both heading towards Eli's room.

Dominic had flung the door wide open, and a sleeping Eli came into view, under mounds of messy red duvets, strewn about, half tangled through the sleeping boy's gangly legs, and the other half on the floor, along with every sized pillow you could ever imagine, one, however was clutched tightly against Eli's chest, cradling his head. He looked so peaceful.. for once.

His silky brunette hair clung to his forehead, wildly sticking up in all directions, clearly he was restless, even in sleep. His long thick lashes caressing his cheeks, fluttering every so often. The golden early morning rays peaked through the drapes, caressing the dip of his side and every other visual crevice. The moment was so still and quiet you could hear the dust-motes dancing in the stream of light that cut the room in half.

The two conscious males, were in awe of the sight before them. It was honest to god, no kidding, sure enough, one of the most innocent and breathtaking moments they had ever encountered.

It was that kind of moment where you unconsciously hold your breath, because you're afraid if you move, even an inch.. that moment would be gone.

In the end that moment couldn't last forever, when the shrill of the alarm clock blasting three times on the night stand right next to Eli's head. The brothers jumped in shock, in an instant reality ripped the beauty right out from under them.

A sleep induced, confused Eli shot straight up, yelling "TAKE THE HOT SAUCE, THE TACOS NEED IT MORE THAN THE BURRITOS." and flopped back down, going silent once again.

Stunned at what they just saw, Dominic and Daniel just glanced at each other, The older man busted out laughing, hunched over, hands-on-his-knees-laughing. Whilst Dominic eyes shone with amusement, the corner of his mouth twitched a little, he rolled his eyes to hide it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2015 ⏰

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