The Nanny (Arranged Marriage BoyxBoy) Chapter 5

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(A/N: Hello my lovely Kittens! How are you? I hope you like this chapter! <3 BAI!)

*Dominic P.O.V*

School was boring, as usual. The teacher was bitching at me for not paying attention, which i never did anyway. I already know everything, All the tutors my dad paid to shove all the knowledge that 5 people could learn, down my throat.

"Dominic!" the teacher, Mrs. Edwards? i think, Snapped, "Pay attention!" She slowly walked back to the board, i just glared hard at her, who the fuck does she think she is? Does she know who i am? I can have her fired from this measly job in a second.

She was an young women. In her early thirties, i would say, no one really knew or cared to ask, Brunette hair, cut short to her head, green eyes, petite... Why am i detailing this? I sound like a fag..The bell finally rung, Thank Christ. I stood up, slung my arm over Natalie, and walked out, Natalie's posse  in toe, Matt was on my right.

"So are you gonna tell me what happened today?" Matt whispered, "Later." I pushed the doors open to meet blinding light. "Alright baby, the girls and i have to go practice for the game tomorrow." She leaned up and pecked my lips and called the girls with her. Matt and i leaned to the side, checking out their asses, "Daaaamn." he called, I punched his arm, "Lets go." i said, walking down the stairs, he was chuckling, jumping down the stairs.

"So what's gonna on with this 'Arranged Marriage'  " he emphasised Arranged marriage, I rolled my eyes at him, "I don't know man, Something about bringing the company more money or some shit."

"Who is it?" i looked at him, "What?" he huffed in annoyance of having to repeat himself, "Who is the girl?" he leaned up onto my car, "It's not.." i growled, he raised his eyebrows, "It's some god damned  orphan kid my mother found." He pushed himself off the car to stand in front of me.

"Found? Kid? GUY?! Wait what? You're gay?" I shoved him, "Dude! Hell no! They think that me marrying a guy will raise the company's money increase and levels because of Homosexuality, So my father is fcorcing me to break up with Nat, and marry some dude i don't know or give a shit to know." 

"Have you even met him?" I scoffed, "Yeah, he's a scrawny little punk, I can't believe i have to walk around school acting all lovey dovey with the piece of shit." I opened the car door, "You comin or what?" I said, sliding in, onto the leather interior. 

He got in the other side, "It'll be alright man, Don't worry." He smiled at me. "You better be right." i said, pulling out of the school parking lot.

*Eli's P.O.V*

I inhaled deeply, waking myself up before i opened my eyes, Staring at the dark ceiling, covered by a deep blood red velvet canopy, i sat straight up, flinging my heavy asleep legs off the side of the bed. I stood up walking to the bathroom, With a note stuck to the mirror.

"Good morning Eli! 

I hope you slept well, Take a shower, and all of the things you need are in the cabinets, and fresh clothes are in the closet, we will arrange for someone to take you shopping for the things you like, these are temporary, We are probably already gone, Work and such, The house is yours, Food is in the kitchen, Dylan is with the butler. Dominic is at school or coming home from school, he will most likely bring his friends over, don't let them boss you around. 

Have a great day, Lots of love, Cherish. Xoxox"

I folded the note and left it on the sink counter, I opened the shower door and started the water while i searched the cabinets, i found a toothbrush and toothpaste, which i used immediately, Face wash, Ect.

I stripped my clothes and threw them into the hamper on the floor, and stepped in the scalding hot water, I yelped, covering my mouth, turning the temperature lower, and finally relaxing into the water.

After i got out of the shower i wrapped a very fluffy white towel around my waist, and stepping out into the cold air, shivering slightly i opened, what i asumed the closet was, and found it, it was bigger than my old room! I spun around for dramatic affect.

Scanning through the shirts i just grabbed a simple thin white tee shirt, Dark jeans, a gray beanie, white converse, When i got dressed i walked out of my bedroom, i walked downed like ten hallways before i found the stairs.

I jogged down them, swooping into the kitchen, i saw Dyan and the 'Unnamed Bulter' sitting at the table. "Oh, Hello!" I said, getting their attention, "Ah, Hello Eli." he said, Groaning as he got up, "I am Jethro, The butler." He said, Kind of bowing i think, I stuck my hand out, "Nice to meet you sir." i smiled brightly at him, He nodded, "This is Dylan, Dylan, this is your new nanny, Say Hello." 

He stared at me for a minute, "Hewo!" i giggled at him, "He's adorable!" I cheered happily, sticking my arms out and walking towards him, He jumped into my arms, he was so warm, "We're gonna have fun! Okay?" he clapped his hands together, "Yay!" I moved him over so his legs were wrapped around my side, "Where to Jethro?!" i said in a deep funny voice, He kept a straight face, "Aye....I have more trouble on my plate, i will be watching you two, And  a house tour, Follow me." he said walking away. 

By the time the house tour was over i was crawling on the ground, fake gasping for air and reaching out in front of me, "Cannot.. go on... much longer....Dylan, Ugh, Save me." i dropped to the ground, Pretending to be dead. I could hear Dylan's giggles, He poked my cheek, "Ewi! Ewi! Get up!" I didn't move, he than sat on me, he SAT on me!! 

I rolled over, Grabbing him, Playfully growling, i tickled him, "Weee!" i lifted him into the air, "Rocket ship! Whoosh!" i yelled, he was laughing like mad. I put him on my stomach. The front double doors opened, "Dominic is home." Jethro stated.

I sat up, crossing my legs under me and pushing myself off the ground, Dom and his friend came up the stairs, "Hello Dominic, Matt." they nodded, and Jethro said, "Please excuse me, I must prepare lunch, Would you like anything Eli?" They heads whipped to me, I shook my head, Matt was the first to say something, "Hey, I'm Matt." he waved, Dom just glared at me and shook his head.

I quickly nodded my head, "C'mon dylan." i whispered, taking his hand, and walking down the stairs, "Lets go play with the horsies!" I said to him. I grabbed the doornob, yanking the heavy door open, walking out and shutting it. 

I walked down the stoned trail Jethro had showed me, I could smell them already, "Can you hear them Dyl? Listen." I slowly my movements, We could hear their whinnies and nickers. His smile brightened.

The horse barn was in view, "Yay!!" He shouted, scrabbling to be put down, I let him go, he took off towards the stables, "Be careful Dylan!" I shouted after him, "Ok!" i heard back, Walking up to the stables, i walked along them, admiring the beautiful creatures, I stopped at the stunning Black stallion, I reached out to him, he nuzzled my hand, and i noticed his water bucket off the hook.

I slowly reached the latch, quickly turning round to see Dylan right there, "Okay good, Stay right there okay?" I said to him, He nodded his head as i stepped in, re-latching the latch, i moved around the stallion, picking up his water bucket, and sticking it back on the hook.

I turned around, walking back around its side, trailing my fingers against his back, and he leaned towards me, smashing me against the wall, the breath was knocked from me. I let out a breathless yelp/cry. Most of his weight was on my stomach and ribs. Dylan started crying when he realised what was happening, My vision was starting to go, I could Feel   my ribs cracking. Immence pain shot through my body. 

"Hey hey!" a deep voice shouted, my eyes shot to the voice, a figure, the movement looked like he  punched the horse in the nose, the horse instantly backed off, i dropped to the ground, gasping for air. The stranger pulled me from the stable. 

"Hey, Are you alright?! What's broken?" the strangers hands hovering over me. "Ribs."  gasped out before i blacked out.


(A/N: O.O Mysterious stranger.....Hmm, Who could it beee???? Alrightie everyone! That's it for today! I know this chapter sucked but you guys don't think so! I've gotten positive feedback from this story already! 0o0 *Fangirl moment!* So let me know what you think! It's like 4;34AM and i need to go to bed! Goodnight Everyone! I love you so much! Have a fantastic Day/Night wherever you are and i will talk to you later! BAI!)

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