3 | The club

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*Time skip to later that night*

I dont know why I agree'd to go clubbing with khadi and kelz, I'm not a club person. Not that I'm anti-social or even an introvert I just CANT do sweaty drunk loud folks. Plus I've had some.... not so enjoyable experiences of being harassed. You'd think men would take the hint BEFORE I throw this gin. 🙄 Clearly I cant be doing that anymore because I could end up on every blog.

But enough about that, I look over my fit one last time, admiring how good I look. Hearing a couple honks outside my window I sigh knowing it's them. Now see we really coulda went out to eat at a nice lil restaurant but whatever.

I head outside to kelz car, getting in on the passenger side I'm greeted (very loudly) by both of them

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I head outside to kelz car, getting in on the passenger side I'm greeted (very loudly) by both of them. "nobody told you to always look the best beyonce" khadi says fake mugging me. "wait she kinda is the beyonce cause she the most known out of us three" kelz says.

khadi smacks her teeth and I laugh.


The club scene in LA has to be the most eventful, I swear you'd think mfs do nothing BUT party here. Tonight was no exception, walking in the place is PACKED, I get a couple hi's here and there before taking a seat at our section. Getting the drinks flowing. I'm actually comfortable and having fun thanks to khadi and kelz. But that soon gets interrupted by-

"WE GOT JADON BANKS IN THE BUILDING" I turn my head to the loud ass dj and give him a fake smile. I could k!ll this nigga puttin me on the spot like that. I dont even know that man.

"Oh shit some fine ass football player looked down here" kelz says.

"Wait who was he looking at" khadi asks

"obviously not me.....unless-" kelz gets interrupted by that same dj

"AYE WE GOT THE MUHFUCKIN PHILY EAGLES IN THIS BITCH SHOUTOUT TO MY NIGGA JALEN HURTS" he said before putting on dreams & nightmares by meek mill. The whole section turned up rapping the lyrics, until one of the guys looked down and locked eyes with me before smirking and looking away.

Wait hold on he fine as fu-

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Wait hold on he fine as fu-

"Nevermind he was looking at storm over there" kelz says tryna be funny.

"Well storm better fly her ass up there and get this money" khadi said sounding like ronnie from players club.

"Will yall quit? Im not interested in that man" rolling my eyes.

"Or any man, you apart of the community girl?" kelz ask before they both bust out laughing. I mean mug them.

....Ok I'm lying, he is fine asf and I am interested, but I'm not going up there, staying my scary ass right here.......

"Uhh I'm going to the bathroom real quick, be back"I say quickly getting up and pacing to the restroom.

Or not, lol.

"I'll have his number for you when you get back" I hear khadi say as her and kelz laugh some more.

I'm literally getting bullied yall😔

To be continued.....

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