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ngl i never made a wattpad story in forever and last time was an embarrassing era.
Has angst but you shouldnt care 👊👊👊

"The handler huh," Yor's voice immediately hit the
shopkeeper's ear on the other line.

"Yep, we have received confirmed intel about her whereabouts. Being of such high status, I decided to send the same energy back," the shopkeeper said with a tone that you could tell he was smiling.

"22:00 sharp. By the lamppost, around 3 blocks away, on the right sidewalk, and across the abandoned store is where I left a paper with her looks and other information we managed to snuggle in,"

He described the location with precise detail knowing that Yor's mind would've mixed it up with some irrelevant nonsense that only Yor would understand.

"Yessir, the deed will be quick with no traces," Yor spoke quite plainly.

The phone call ended with the shopkeeper confirming the details once again and telling her to "Get back soon so I could assign to you another target!" which was the way he always ended the calls that she would hardly call a conversation.

After excusable amount of time, Yor made her way to the kitchen with a small smile on her lips as she glanced at Loid who was making dinner. He flashed a smile back as he garnished the steak he had made for the three. On Anya's side of the room, she was watching her favorite show Spy Wars.

"Ha-ha, she looks wike you!" Anya said with her eyes lighting up. Yor chuckled as she didn't think so herself.

For Yor, the whole marriage was to make her blend in with the crowd. Being single at her age made people look twice at her and made her receive impolite stares. So when the whole agreement between her and Loid came about, she was happy with the outcome. She thought she knew the people around her well enough to trust them, which might've been the reason for her downfall as an assassin.

The person she had married was a man named Loid who was being acted out by an infamous spy that goes by the title Twilight, and the daughter? She was a telepath that never fails to read her mind everyday, but it's not like she was the angel in the family since she has her fair share of secrets. Actually, Loid was hiding a secret from this morning that he was going to prepare for when he knows everyone was in bed.

Around 50 minutes ago—which was around 22 minutes before Yor received her personal call— Twilight was making his way to where his next mission's intel would be given to him. A simple alley way that wasn't too suspicious as people often times used it as a shortcut in the mornings to get to places. Since it was night time, nobody wanted to go through alleys. It wasn't a bad area to give out intel, but Twilight still thought it was a little too eye catching.

"Twilight, I will need for you to protect my life at the abandoned mall on C-square," Twilight knew what C-square was and nodded as a sign that he was listening to what the handler was saying.

"I successfully managed to trick a worker for Garden that the mall is where we keep most information in," the handler said with a subtly proud expression on her face.

"If Garden is smart enough, they should be sending one of their award-winning assassins. I will give the assassin a good fight and make you come in with your pistol. Reasonable?" the handler asked for clarification even though she thought the plan was already flawless enough. Twilight nodded with a slight nod as he proceeded to tell her how he needed to get home.

As much as it look half-assed, Twilight was definitely listening but he needed to get back to Loid before someone he knows decided to take a night walk. Once inside, Yor greeted him with her usual smile that always looked genuine while his always was small and fake.

"I'll get to cooking," Loid beamed in an attempt to apologize for coming later than usual, not that Yor thought she cared. Due to their agreement, they both never pried into each other's private life. They were connected through Anya and without her, Yor didn't
think the marriage was possible.

After their lovely dinner, the three collectively agreed it was time to sleep. Once they got their sleeping attire on, they gave each other different variations of good night. Once the doors shut, the two parents decided it was time for their real jobs to begin.

Yor arranged her pillows in a position that even someone that was wide awake would have to take a second glance to see if she was really sleeping. Afterwards, she took out her favorite assassin uniform. She always thought it completely complimented her. Yor always smiled at the mirror when she wore her signature dress. It was uniquely hers and rightfully hers, she wished she could flaunt it in public but she knew she would never. She was ready to be Thorn Princess

The man in the bedroom across wasn't entirely different. He put on his normal spy outfit and brought his equipment, and brought the most crucial part of his plan, the pistol. He and that pistol have gone through so much. Day by day, he shot someone's vital point or paralyzed them with that gun. He checked the mirror before arranging his bed to look as if he was there. It would be unprofessional to rat him out like this, but at the time, Twilight was so lost in his train of thought that he never heard the sound of Yor opening her window and shutting it afterwards. After his arrangements, he opened the door quietly and checked Yor's and Anya's room to see if they were awake. Just like I said, Twilight doesn't look twice at Yor's fake sleeping body and walks to his own room over to his window.

Loid was the husband that walked in, but Twilight is the spy that walked out.

dunno when i started but a bitch is tired and she got school in the morning...

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