★ || 𝟟. 𝔻𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝔾𝕠 || ★

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This Chapter Contains : Swearing

Set the same day as the previous chapter


I just finished putting Brahms to bed, And finally had a moment of rest. Which meant i was supposed to sit and think about what to do now. I needed to go with them, And get out of this town, Because it wasn't safe anymore. Which means i need to pack something, Anything. I at least needed to find my blanket since its freezing out, And i doubt the twins have a car of any kind.

I sat down on the bed that for the past week or so i've slept in, Leaning back and staring up at the ceiling. 

Fuck my blanket-

Where would that man have even put it? Assuming he took it, Anyway.

God i really got myself in a mess, Huh? I let out a quiet chuckle, Sitting up and glancing over toward the door. I guess since i'm probably gonna be gone in the morning i should find the blanket i came here with, Right? We plan to walk back in the cold so it only makes sense to look for it. 

Despite my exhaustion, I managed to stand up and make it to the closet in search of literally anything warm i could take with me. There wasn't much aside from what i'd been wearing and a coat that was definitely too small for me.  But warmth is warmth so i shrugged off the size of it and grabbed it, wrapping it around my body as well as i could and walking toward the door to leave the room.

The creaking of the door was so loud i could've sworn it was about to fall over and disintegrate into nothing. The aura of the  hallways sent shivers down my spine, And i cautiously stepped out of the safety of my room and into the hall. Everything was so cold, Which i guess was normal since it's freezing out, But then why is my room so warm? I moved further into the hall, Feeling the hairs on the back of my neck stand up as i walked further through the hallway. 

Small bumps would hit the walls occasionally, As if they were trying to remind me i wasn't alone. "I'm just...Looking for my blanket." I muttered, narrowing my eyes as i kept going through the hall, Eventually finding myself in the master bedroom. It was..Creepy.

(improv time!)

There were portraits of those three people i had previously seen all over the room, But it seemed mostly focused on the little boy. Pictures of him were everywhere, On nearly every surface. Some framed and others not. Man they really loved this fuckin kid huh? It felt creepy, Having all those eyes on me. Made me wonder how the owner of this place sleeps in here. If they sleep anyways..

I moved a bit closer to a dresser, Picking up a picture which had the boys usual bored expression. I only stared for a minute before i flipped the picture over, spotting a small note written on it. 

"Our Lovely Brahmsy, May God Save Us All."

Yep that's not creepy at all- I mean i guess its good they love their kid and all, But this just seems like obsession. I was really only able to read over the note a few times before i stuffed the picture into my pocket and hurried out the room. I heard a few bumps off in the distance, Which i assumed meant they were trying to lead me over to wherever they were coming from. 

I kept moving, Though. Toward the weird thumping noises i heard. They ended up leading me into Brahm's room, And he was sitting up in his bed staring at me, My blanket folded neatly and not too far away from him, Along with a note sitting on top of it. Shit...

I hurried over to the bed and lifted the note, slightly shaking out of nervousness. 

"Don't Go."

I let out a shaky sigh and placed the note down. Trying my best to force a smile. "I-I assume you heard me talking to the twins.." I'm so fucked.. "Look i really wanna stay but i can't. I'll get hurt, Or worse. And the twins need me. I need to protect them." I said, Sitting down on the end of the bed. "I get you've probably never needed to run from somebody, But i really, Really need you
 to-" I heard something in the hallway fall over and shatter, Which i had assumed was a vase. 

I felt my heartrate pick up once again, And let out a shaky breath as i stood back up, Cautiously moving to the door. The moment my hand touched the handle to fully open it, it slammed shut. Jesus christ what have i gotten myself into?  "You can't leave. I'm here, I can protect you." Hearing the child's voice brought me a bit of comfort, But i was still five seconds away from a panic attack. "It's not going to end well for either of us. I have to leave." I spoke quietly, Placing my hand on the wooden door and resting my head on it. It wasn't the most comfortable, But i could barely keep my composure right now. "Trust me, I don't want to go. But i have to." No reply. 

I sat up and tried the handle, Feeling a noticeable resistance. It was definitely stronger then a child's grip, So there definitely couldn't be just a kid on the other side. I stood there for a moment, I know there's no easy way to get out of this, If i were lucky i could talk him down but to be honest i doubt it. "What if i come back to visit you once it's safe?" Silence again, A quiet thud came from the other side of the door. "What if you just stay?" Yeah had a feeling he'd say that. "Just- Can you at least let me out the room? We can talk this out in the kitchen." The voice went silent again. "No." His voice was stern, In a threatening way. Sending a shiver down my spine. "Just..Don't go. Please.

It almost hurt to hear him beg, And i couldn't think of anything else to say. No matter how hard i tried i couldn't find the words i needed. I just let my head sit against the wooden door and closed my eyes. "...[Y/N]?" The voice asked, Noticeable concern in its tone. "I-I'll think about it." I definitely shouldn't have said that, But it was really all i could say. Whoever was on the other side of the door made it clear he didn't want me to leave, And had no intentions of changing his mind. If there's no point in telling him i'm going to leave, I just have to be sneakier about it. 

"I'll talk to the twins when they come by again, Alright?" There was a quiet 'okay' and then i heard footsteps walk away from the door. I almost immediately tried the handle, And was able to open the door. Before leaving though i hurried back to tuck Brahms back in and grab my blanket, Rushing out the room and locking myself back in my room. After i got into the room, I plopped down on the bed, running my hand through my hair and letting out a sigh.

They're getting more aggressive now, Going as far as locking me in rooms so i can't leave. It was gonna take everything i had to get out of here and back to those two, But I had yet to have a productive conversation with anyone in who lived in the house, And i wasn't sure how many people lived here. My current theory is that the little boy in the pictures grew up and is the new owner, But that doesn't explain the child that i keep hearing, Mixed with strength that obviously isn't the child's. I took the picture from earlier back out my pocket, Taking a slightly closer look at the child on it. It looked identical to the doll that I've been caring for. So that's a bit creepy..

Maybe the doll belonged to the parents? I hear some people do that. It's weird, But ya know,  It still happens. But why would the kid keep it once he's grown up? Why am i taking care of this doll like its a child? God none of this makes any sense. I guess now wasn't the time to think about it, Since my life could be in danger and all. My dad was gonna be here any second, And now i have to worry about upsetting someone who i haven't seen who won't let me see them. I'm so stressed it feels like a vain in my head is going to burst. I closed my eyes and laid down, Burying my head in the soft blanket below me. I felt more exhausted the longer my eyes stayed open, And eventually drifted off to sleep.

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