Genji has 99 problems but hospital bills ain't one

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Angela looked confused, what did she mean by what? A small, dirty, injured, old, rat man snatched the phone, this spooked Angela, he was wearing a brown and yellow traditional Japanese Yukata, with a strange symbol near his heart. He too seemed to have been crying profusely, with some lingering tears still followed. His heart ached, was it true, did he overhear correctly? Was his son alive and still on earth? He had to be sure, he didn't care if a human saw him, he just wanted his son back.

"The blue one, where is he?"

Angela was taken aback. His voice was hoarse, yet demanding yet tired. Gruff, yet higher pitched. Angela turned the phone to show the blue turtle, his arm was in a stretch and the other in a cast, stitches and bandages littered his skin, with many of the bandages wrapping around his plastron, and shell. He was peaceful, he was asleep, he was breathing, he was alive.

"Leonardo! He's alive! My boy! April! Blue's alive!"

The small rat man began to pray in what Angela recognized to be Japanese as he cried tears of joy. He was picked up and hugged by April, and spun around like a child. This warmed Angela's heart, she was always filled with joy whenever she would save a patient who's chances seemed slim. For she was also once one of those people when she saved Genji, she didn't know him at the time, but she knew that she couldn't let him die, and she's very grateful she didn't . She let them have their moment as they cheered and cried with joy, before they soon remembered they were on a call. The rat cleared his throat as April put him down.

"Forgive me."

"It is no trouble at all, I don't believe I've met you, my name is Angela Zeigler. Are you the boys' father?"

"Yes, I am, my name is Hamato Yoshi, but you may call me Splinter."

"Like I had said to April, I need questions answered for me, just to get a basis of how I can further help your sons, and what all happened. Do you think you can do that for me?"

Splinter nodded, now April was crouched down next to him, wanting to answer these questions as well. Genji and Lena stood next to Angela to get a look, and maybe answer a few questions if they came up. Cole just leaned against one of the walls, finding his phone to be more of a better distraction, man, he was gonna need a bottle after this.

"Now, I don't believe I caught what the blue turtle's name was, can you repeat it?"

"Leonardo Hamato, but many others call him Leo for short."

Angela nodded, writing this down in a small notebook she always kept in her doctor's jacket.

That's how the rest of the hour went, asking them stuff like their blood type (they didn't get a clear answer for that one.) Any past injuries or conditions the brothers may have. Just the basic stuff you would get asked from any doctor. Each time they answered a question, it became more and more obvious to the doctor, the cyborg ninja, and the nano-impared air pilot, that these turtles, and the rat, have never been to a doctor in their life, or actually go out much, which, the doctor didn't blame them, looking like that, often times Winston or Hammond couldn't go out due to the fact he was a literal gorilla, but it was for the best. Another thing was that Angela kept thinking she was missing an important question to ask them, but she couldn't think of it for the life of it. If it came down to it she would ask the turtle brothers. Correction, the Mutant Ninja Turtles. She tried to not ask how they were like this or why, she would have to ask the turtles when they wake up if they are comfortable with sharing.

"Thank you, all of this information will be put to good use, now, is there anything extra that I should know?"

Splinter thought about this, before raising his head to look at the nurse in question, his eyes furrowed, she could tell this was serious.

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