🌱Plant Boy🪴

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It was finally summer break. For most high school students, this meant going to the beach, hanging out with friends, and meeting with their ~lovers~, but for Preston, it was another day helping David as a free delivery service.

Preston walks up the small hill by his house to a plant shop nestled on the corner of the street that he has grown familiar with over the years. With him, he carries the latest supplies his neighbor, Rico, has ordered for his shop, yet when he steps through the door to the shop all the familiarity he knows vanishes as he locks eyes with the most beautiful doll-like boy he's ever seen. Preston, stuck with immediate ~bi panic~, begins to stutter as he's holding the mechanical parts in his hand

"H-hi! Sorry, uhm th-this is Rico- FOR Rico!! From David? or I mean me! From p,Preston I"

Preston feels his face heat up as he approaches the counter. The beautiful white haired boy only tilted his head looking confused by what Preston had said without moving to take the object from his hand. Preston hears shuffling in the back of the store hurries to place the object down as quickly as possible in front of the new worker. As he scrambles to leave he hears a voice call out to him

"Preston!?", a tall tanned man with a name tag reading 'Rico' steps out from the break room. The shop door chimes alerting him that the boy he had just called out to was now gone. "What was that all about? OH!", Rico walked up to the white haired boy to take the parts from in front of him," I didn't know he was dropping these off today ^^, anyways, I'm sorry Vero but I can't seem to find the name tags just yet? Is that okay with you?" Rico questioned, but the white haired boy, Vero, had only adjusted his face mask and stared back with no reply.


Preston throws himself back onto his bed while holding his phone up to his ear

"Yeah, no- ,Pierce, obviously I know he's not immediately in love with me! I just think he's... cool is all"

Suddenly a girls voice is hear from the group he is talking to, "oh, so just like the last three guys you just thought were 'Cool' after staring them down in class all day?" Preston was immediately embarrassed at this but he wasn't ready to accept defeat yet.

"Ugh, you guys just don't get it!! I promise it's different this time calypso!"

"Oh really? What's your new boyfriends name then?" She playfully asked.

Preston paused thinking back to his previous conversation with the white haired boy in the plant shop. His eyes went wide and he started to stutter nonsense as his friends laughed on the other end of the call.

"You didn't even get his name? Preston, you have GOT to raise your standards a little dude", his friend Pierce mocked.

"It's okay," a new girls voice is heard from his phone, "Preston's crushes never last long, so it's not like he has to know? Right?"

Preston furrowed his brows and pouted in bed. This was the final straw, "FINE!! Then I WILL learn his name?? I bet I'll learn his name by next week!"

"You really wanna bet on it?" His friend teased back, sounding as smug as he always was.

Suddenly self conscious Preston hesitated but agree, "but! Only on one condition!...... you guys... have to help me out......" another round of laughter erupted from his friends making Preston frown in embarrassment at his request.

Through laughs Peirce spoke from over the phone, "ha, yeah yeah sure, but hehe when you lose" Preston tried to snap back that he wouldn't as the boy spoke over him once more "When You LOSE! Lol you have to ask him out. Deal?" Preston could still hear his friend pierce laughing on the other end as he contemplated his decision.

"I don't know" Preston hesitated once more, "you know how I feel about asking people out as a joke..."

Before Preston and his friends could settle on an agreement a much deeper voice called from downstairs "PREEEESTOOOONNN??? YOU HOME YET BUD??????"

Preston gasped as he realized he completely forgot to tell his uncle about his arrival, without wasting anymore time he says 'bye' to his friends and all he can understand before hanging up is Calypso yelling back "Tell Plant Boy We Say H—" BEEP.

Preston walks down the stairs still frazzled from his conversation with his friends. Waiting at the bottom of the steps was a freakishly tall man with a dyed black mullet. As he's wiping motor grease off of his hands, he looks at Preston curiously, "Hey bud, you didn't tell me you got home already. Did the parts I sent to Rico work?"

"I-i don't know..." Preston looked away as his uncle spoke, his mind still on other matters.

"Well, you think you could stop back by and find out for me?" David ask as anxiety builds in him.

"NO! N,, not today", Preston notices David giving him a suspicious glance. Before David can even ask any questions Preston blurts out "A cute boy started working at Rico's today!"

David smiles as some of his concern for Preston leaves. "Thank fucking God Preston, you looked like you saw a murder." David had now taken his rest on the couch as Preston followed him to continue the conversation, "So what's he like?"

"I'm,, not really sure..., but he has large blue eyes! And fluffy White hair. I didn't get to see his whole face, but I just know he's gorgeous!", Preston walks over to the couch using his hand to gesture out his daydreams as he sheepishly smiles, "I wish he would have said something; I still don't know his name."

"Maybe I could help you out." David reaches beside the couch to grab a can of soda out of his pile of stuff in his makeshift room.

"YOU?? David no." Preston sighs and covers his eyes as David speaks up, "Your loss Preston, ya know, I used to be quite the catch in my day."

"UGH ewww", Preston pretends to gag as he now looks at David, "I do NOT want to hear about my uncle's love life, especially when I haven't even started my own!! Besides, I can't believe Rico didn't even tell me he hired someone new!"

"Well if he hired him, wouldn't he know his name?" David asked as if he was genuinely confused. Preston lit up with a sparkle in his eyes as he bounced in place "David. You are a GENIUS, I have to go think about this Right Now!" Preston turns to sprint back to his room, but before he can escape, David raises his voice to be more stern, "Preston. You have to get dinner first."

Preston looking mildly annoyed turns back, his hand on the stair railing. He takes his step back down and walks to the kitchen with a large sigh. He starts making a sandwich before leaving knowing he was actually hungry, and that he would have stayed hungry all night if David didn't check in on him. Taking the plate he made up to his room, he gets to work planning how he will win the bet with his friends. Before he knows it the clock read 3:28 AM and Preston is out cold with his head on his desk and the crust of his sandwich left on his plate. Surrounding him are poorly drawn comics of his daydreams, doodles, and notes about the mysterious plant shop boy he saw earlier that day that fit in perfectly with all the other hand drawn comics and books lining his room.

[Your Baby] - 1300 words ^^ lol sorry for separating your chapter into multiple parts fkhskfhdkd

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