Day 3 (he big)

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DAY 3:
Another day. Another plan. Preston comes downstairs in the morning to see David standing in the kitchen scratching his back as their old coffee machine pours out a full pot of coffee. 'Perfect' Preston maliciously thinks to himself as he approaches the small table in the center of the room. Preston knew the best time to ask David for a favor was before he had anytime to wake himself up.

"Hey, let's have breakfast together! I'll cook!", Preston says eagerly as he squeezes past David to open the fridge door. David grumbles and squints towards Preston, something about 'too early' and 'dirty dishes'. Preston just nods his head and agrees knowing David is a bit out of it.

"Cereal it is!", as he grabs the gallon of milk and slams the door, "for me and my wonderful uncle!!" Preston swiftly places the milk on the table and reaches out for two bowls and a special mug for David's coffee. David stops to furrow his brow, hand under his shirt now scratching his stomach instead. "Go ahead, take a seat!!" Preston pulls out the chair across from his and fills David's mug with as much fresh coffee as it can hold. His gaze stays on David as he tries to lessen his smirk so he doesn't spoil his plan. After filling their bowls with David's favorite cereal, Preston takes his seat and begins to eat the overly sweet cereal.

"You know, it's been a while since we did this. Just breakfast", Preston looks up at David as his uncle blows steam off his coffee making sure they are making eye contact, "Just me and you.... my only family left." Preston watches as David jerked spilling his coffee over the edge of his cup.

"Preston." David sets his coffee down before being able to have a taste as concern washes over him, "you aren't dying, right?" Preston shakes his head furiously as he's eating his cereal not able to get any words out so David sighs and continues, "Great, so then why are you trying to give me a heart attack??" Preston can hear the annoyance in David's voice but knows it's just a front.

"I just thought... you know that since you're my favorite and most important person and all"

"What do you want, Preston?"

"Twenty dollars." Preston sets his spoon down and looks up with his round puppy dog eyes waiting for David to take the bait.

"Wh- TWE- Twenty ?? Dollars?? I'm not made of money ya know. Why on earth do you need money this time?"

"Um... I thought, maybe, I could use some.. plants?", Preston shrugged as he sheepishly smiled at David. David groans and pinches the bridge of his nose.


Preston smirks hearing David's negotiation. 'ehe Gottem'. "Fifteen."

"Fine. But it's only because I'm a great uncle who loves you." David reaches to his back pocket for his wallet as Preston is practically beaming at him. "I know, that's why I gave you this remember!!" Preston keeps up his show as he bats his eyes and turns David's mug to show off the 'Worlds #1 Uncle' to the side, inching his hand closer to the cash David is still holding. David hesitantly opens his hand for Preston to take the '10' and '5' in his hand. Preston swoops his hand down at the speed of light to snatch the bills. Before David can even process what happened, Preston is walking out of the kitchen doorway blowing a kiss, "Thaaaannkkk youuu David~!!!", Preston waves as he grabs his jacket and opens the front door, "You really are the best!! See you later!"

With the door shut behind him, David is left alone with two bowls of cereal and the milk still set on the table. He leans back into his chair and rubs his face sighing, "How am I suppose to eat all of this." After a brief pause, he pulls both bowls in front of him knowing he can- and will, eat all of it as he finally drinks his first cup of coffee.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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