part three

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Time has long rolled past midnight. Cynthia woke up to drink water when she suddenly heard sounds in the ventilation shaft. Later, the ventilation hatch flew out from under the bed and Rob and Aris got out of it.  
-What the hell is going on?!
-There is no time to explain, quickly get ready, we are leaving.
-Where are we going, Ar, can you at least tell what's going on?!
-Now your key card is ready, we are dumping from this rough place.
Cynthia's eyes widened. She had been preparing for this for a long time. He quickly took out a large backpack from under the bed with all the necessary things. Water, rags, medicines,  a blanket and even warm socks, just in case. It contained weapons: knives, a pistol, katana. Without disassembling, the girl quickly pulled on the first thing that fell into her hands. They were beige shorts and Top, slightly darker than shorts. Tying on her brown army boots, she grabbed her backpack and followed her friends into the ventilation shaft.
The guys got out somewhere in the middle of the corridor, turning the corner, Cynthia saw those new guys, and in front of them stood Dr. Crawford They stood still
-What are you doing here?
Cynthia wanted to knock her out, but Aris stopped her.
-Wait, they need to pick up a friend, she will bring her to her.
- Okay, let's work on a different plan.-The girl twisted the doctor's hands leading towards the medical room. Kicking the door with your foot everyone in ran to the room. A guy from the company of newcomers almost tore off the blue curtains, apparently finding those she was looking for, Cynthia noticed the guards and Jenson, who were heading to this room.  - Heck, can you dig longer?! The girl shouted angrily. - Rob, help! She pointed to a metal table. - Hint understood. While helping their friend, they turned the table over, propping up the door. Cynthia turned to a group of strangers who, while helping their friend, turned the table over, propping up the door. Cynthia turned to a group of strangers she didn't trust, frankly, and said with reproach.
- Oh, I see you have a replenishment, I'm very happy for you. And if you don't finish your Indian melodrama now, I'll finish you off!
Grabbing the chair she began to hit Grabbing a chair, she began to hit the glass with the aim of breaking it. Someone joined, repeating her actions. Turning her head, she saw that Asian. Minho, it seems. Finally breaking that damn glass, a dark-haired girl from that company put sheets on the broken glass. How tender everyone is. When everyone climbed over, Aris was going to
- Ar, where are you going?!
-Synth, I need to open that door if I don't open it now.
- Okay, I get you. Hold on. - The girl pulled out a key card from her bra and handed it to a friend.
- Thanks, be careful!
- Of course, how else, I'm always careful, you didn't know?
The guys continued their journey to freedom, hoping that Aris would have time. I don't know about the others, but I certainly hoped so.
Rounding the corner, a guard appeared as if from nowhere, firing electric bullets at us.
-Why are they shooting at us?-  said that black guy who liked Ker so much.
-Really why, we just want to escape from here, which they don't want!
- Don't be clever, Cynthia!
- Shut up,Ker.
The last turn to the main exit remained, but even there we were a doge.Left after There was the last turn to the main exit, but even there a guard was waiting for us. I threw the knife when Minho knocked him out. I ran up and handed the gun to Rob, and I myself began to look for some kind of weapon. Finding a pistol that was almost full of cartridges, I stood up looking at everyone.
-What? A weapon will never be superfluous.
Finally, the main exit was visible, but Aris was not visible. What if he was attacked...I was shaking at the very thought, but I was distracted by a voice behind us.
-Cynthia, where are you? You yourself know perfectly well that you will not survive there. If the non-infected kill you, then the brazier.
-Then what do you suggest? Stay here and be taken to the "farm" too? No need to powder our brains like everyone else. We know that you don't take people to a safe place, you hang them up on the tubes, pumping blood out of them, because we are a generation that is resistant to the outbreak. Therefore, you will not succeed.
-You're fucking stupid if you think so.
-Yes, what do you say? P.O.R.O. Is that good?
-You will not pass through this door.
-Yes, we are already like old friends, and you still doubt my abilities?)
-Hey guys.I turned to the familiar voice and smiled. Aris was fine. But it's time to end this.With sharp movements, I began to shoot at Jenson and his wards. But the cartridges soon ran out and all I had to do was run. The doors began to close and at the last second I rushed past, leaving the Rat behind . Aris broke the sensor Unable to resist, I hit him with a grin, grinning so they don't get in here before we leave. Unable to restrain myself, I showed him the fact with a smirk. Ker pulled me by the hand while Rob opened the door, which was our last obstacle. Without looking back, we ran away from the building. It was a dark night, which played into our hands. In the dark we could easily hide. Having reached some abandoned building, I pointed out Ker, there and we lowered inside while Rob and Aris shouted something after us. The guys came down after us and the rest followed. I tried to find flashlights in my backpack and when my hand found them, I distributed them to several flashlight, because there were not so many of them.

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