What Lies in the Forest (Prolouge #5)

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((793 words.))


Carla cautiously stepped through the lush, green, (and practically overgrown), undergrowth of Saltbreeze forest. Her senses were flooded. Scent, sight, and mind. Bold thrifts and lonely mourning doves cooed and cawed from oak trees and honeysuckle shrubs. A nearby stream murmured quiet melodies.

But it wasn't the forest the girl had her eye on.

Carla had walked for what seemed like forever untill she reached a small, sunlit grassy field.

Odd. Thought the girl.

She then stepped forwards, through the thin row of bushes which seemed to surround the whole area- almost as if keeping the rest of the forest away from this seemingly sacred spot.

Carla moved to the middle of the field, which was the sunniest spot there. She tilted her head up. Harsh sunlit greeted her eyes, the girl blinked rapidly, keeping the sun from boring holes into her eyelids.

There was a distinct snap from behinde her.

"Wandering a bit too far now, are we?"

Carla's head twisted towards the serene, almost inhuman sounding voice.

The girl froze.

There, standing just a few feet away from the bushes, stood a tall, fairy-like woman.

The being smiled softly, trailing up to Carla. The girl swore she could see stars twinkling in her azure, pupil-less eyes. Nonetheless, this fairy being was stunning. Attractive, one might say.

Carla's only instinct was curiosity.

The fairy stopped a few feet short away from Carla, the sunlight glowing all over her stark white skin, illuminating it. Eerie, but beautiful- in a way. Carla's breath hitched.

"Who are you?"

The being hesitated, as if surprised by her question. She then let out a soft chuckle that resembled a pool of water being splashed about.

"Curiosity killed the cat, darling."

Carla had the feeling this being didn't receive too many questions.

"Nonetheless, though... I do appreciate your interest."

The fairy sauntered to the side of Carla, standing in the middle of the field. Carla kept her eyes on her, as if they were glued to the beautiful figure. The fairy raised a slender hand, sunlight envolping her fingers and forearm. Her skin shimmered.

"I don't get many questions, I suppose one might say. Usually they're off dashing into the woods without saying a word."

Spoke the fairy, lowering her hand out of the Sun, afterwards turning to Carla with a look of inquiry.

"What makes you different from the others?"

Carla paused for a second. The fairy didn't answer her question. She decided to try again.

"Rudeness is not tolerated in my family..."

Carla glanced at the ends of the fairy's long, almost pure white hair. Just the tips were a soft blue. Gorgeous.

"My name is Carla, and yours?"

The fairy yet again hesitated for a meer second, as if processing her answer.


Carla had heard that name before. It ment 'blue' in the tounge of the far north. It suited her.

"Beautiful name..." Spoke Carla barely over a whisper. Blár, in response, giggled gently. A hand came up to her mouth.

"Why thank you, I haven't had a compliment in awhile."

Carla bit the inside of her lip, shuffling her feet bashfully. Her cheeks gave a light flush. Afterwards, the girl looked up at the fairy.

"Why does this place seem so sacred?"

This made Blár go quiet. The being merely stared at Carla in response, lips pressed in a fine line. Slowly, almost as if forced, she smiled.

"Perhaps it only seems that way because of it's beauty.." The fairy gave a genuine smirk of delight.

"But to answer your question, no. I do not believe this place is sacred. It only feels that way because it's just so... astonishing."

Carla had the feeling that Blár was lying somehow, but kept her mouth shut. Instead, she nodded in fake agreement.

"That would make sense."

Blár nodded aswell.

Silence filled the still air, only the common sounds of the forest were audible. Though the atmosphere between them never turned awkward. It was if the fairy's elegant disposer was somewhat blocking it out. Carla didn't mind this. After a minute, Blár cleared her throat softly.

"I suppose it is time for my leave. Thank you for the talk, Carla." The being winked and smiled at the girl, causing her face to heat up.

The last Carla saw of Blár was her walking out of the bushes, opposite from where she had entered.

The girl was left in a stunned state.

Blár's skin seemingly became transparent, particals floating upwards like specks of dust in the wind. They climbed up towards the sun and vanished somewhere Carla couldn't see.

Oh, what beautiful lies can you find in the forest, indeed...

Carla smiled despite being totally out of it.

Mentally, she made a note of coming back to the spot every so often.

And with that, the girl turned and left the forest.


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