"When we first met..."

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Hello! Welcome to Yandere Sanemi! I am a multi-shipper, so I also have a fanfic on Giyushino, if you like that ship! I hope you enjoy this fanfic!

(This takes place in a modern Au, and no character that is talked about is a teacher unless otherwise said so.) 

Sanemi remembers very clearly the first time he met Giyuu. It was in first grade, and Giyuu was new to the school. He still had those beautiful ocean eyes and messy hair in a low ponytail. Sanemi was enamored with him since day one. His parents had told him that there was a reason why he felt so empty inside. Sanemi just hadn't found the right person yet. But right away when he saw Giyuu, Sanemi knew he had found the right person. Sanemi tried his best to talk to him, but Giyuu was very distant. The only person he talked to was Mitsuri, and mostly because she spoke to him first. Sanemi hated that. He wanted Giyuu for himself, even at a young age. Every time Sanemi tried to tell Giyuu his feelings, someone interrupted them, or he rapidly changed the subject. Deep down, Sanemi hated himself that he couldn't bring up his feelings to Giyuu. But Giyuu rejected everyone that came to him. But there was one person that Giyuu did like. That person was Sabito, Giyuu's childhood best friend. 

Sanemi hated him. 

Sanemi would do anything for Giyuu to be his alone.

Even kill people. 

Now, one person could not do all this killing alone. That would get boring! That is why Sanemi has enlisted the help of his friend Iguro Obanai. 

"I don't understand why you like the loner," Iguro pondered, looking around the corner of lockers with Sanemi. They were watching Giyuu, watching to make sure that he didn't fall for anyone else. Sanemi glared back at Iguro and responded, "I can't see why you like bubblegum hair either."

 Iguro gasped. "How DARE you talk about Mitsuri that way?!" Iguro gasped once again. "If you want my help, mister-no-eyebrows, you are not going to talk shit about Mitsuri." Iguro negotiated. 

Sanemi threw his hands up in the air. "Alright, fine," he reluctantly agreed, stopping his unwavering gaze on Giyuu for about a second. Then he went back to watching him. A girl then ran up to Giyuu, held onto his arm, and started talking his ear off. Sanemi's expression went from playful bantering to "I am going to kill a bitch". Sanemi then groaned. "Why can't he see that I like him?" Sanemi complained, his voice starting to turn into a whine. 

"He doesn't like you because he likes other people," Iguro pointed out. "Also, you never talk to him, and you are rude to him. Why would he like you then?" Sanemi sighed, his way of admitting that he was guilty of all of what Iguro said. 

The girl that was holding onto Giyuu's arm finally spoke. "Giyuu! Can you meet up with me Friday night at the cafe? Around 6 o'clock? Alone?" Giyuu looked at her quizzically and nodded. "Great! See you there! Have a great day!" The girl then ran away to tell her friends that she had scored a date with the hottest guy in school. Giyuu rubbed his face, then walked away. Sanemi looked shocked. 

"That bitch. That FUCKING BITCH!" Sanemi leaped out from behind the lockers in the direction that the girl went. "She better watch her back!" Sanemi yelled, still fighting to get free but starting to slowly calm down. 

"Hey." Calm. Down." Iguro ordered, somehow managing to keep Sanemi from instantly killing the girl, whose name was Hina. "If you kill her here, Giyuu will see and will never love you. You will get sent to jail away from him. You will never see him again. Would you like that to happen?" Iguro smiled slightly, knowing he had Sanemi caught. 

"Fine," Sanemi reluctantly calmed down but started plotting that girl's death. "How are we going to get rid of her then?" Sanemi pondered, having a couple of ideas himself. 

"How about poison? We can easily get some from the infirmary from that glass cabinet. Or, we can frame someone?" Iguro suggested, deep in thought. 

"No. I want her to make sure she knows who killed her. So if she is reincarnated, she knows who to be afraid of." Sanemi explained.

"Fine. When are we going to do it?"

"Friday. Noon. Storage room. Baseball bat." Sanemi was speaking in shorter sentences now, ready to kill Hina already. Then the bell rang. "See you soon Iguro, keep trying to bet bubblegum girl's heart!"  Sanemi yelled back at Iguro, running to make it to class on time.

 "Hope you win you-know-who's heart!" Iguro called back, running to a different classroom. Sanemi then entered the doorway of his classroom and sat down. Thankfully the teacher was not there yet, so the students had some time to relax. Everyone was talking loudly, not caring that other classes were in session. Sanemi sat down and took out his homework, perfecting it. Then Tengen leaned over by him.

"You were unflamboyantly late again! Shinazugawa, what's wrong with you? It is very unlike you to be late." Tengen complained, leaning over to Sanemi's desk. "No seriously, what is up with you?" He asked, a concerned look growing on his face. 

The bell then rang.

Tengen then leaned back to his desk, and the teacher then entered the room. "Okay class, listen up..." Sanemi rolled his eyes and leaned back in his seat. He began to daydream. Giyuu was pinned up against the wall. His face showed confusion. "Sanemi... what are you doing?" Sanemi kissed him. He kissed him very deeply, deeper than any kiss Sanemi had given before. "Sa-ne-mi..." Sanemi smiled seductively. Sanemi then pushed Giyuu onto the bed. Sanemi then began stripping Giyuu and started rubbing Giyuu's cock. Giyuu then moaned. Sanemi smiled seductively and started taking off his own clothes...

"Hey!" The teacher snapped, slapping Sanemi across the face.

"Fuck do you want?!" Sanemi roared, standing up and staring the teacher in the face. 

The teacher looked shocked. "DETENTION!" she roared, kicking his ass out the fucking door. 

Sanemi grumbled as he walked to the detention room and sat down, the teacher on duty there was not very surprised to see. Sanemi sat down in a chair and sighed. At least now he could daydream about Giyuu in peace.

Hello! This is the end of chapter one! Please be ready for the next chapter, please stay updated! Also give me ideas please, because my dumbass can't think of any other ideas.

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