How Paths Came to Meet

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It was a typical day in Duckburg,

Sun shining through the city, waking every one up.

And this is the story of how Lena and Y/N meet.

In the Duck family boat, a 10 Year old Y/N and 5 Year old triplets were eating breakfast.

Donald:Hey kids, want any seconds?

Y/N:No thanks Uncle Donald.

Huey:No thank you Unca Donald.

Y/N:Hey Uncle Donald, do you think its time for Huey to be a Woodchuck?

Donald:Hmm now that you mention it.....

Y/N:Anyways goodbye!

Donald:Huh? Where To...

(The Door Closes To His Face)

Y/N Walked out of the boat house and going somewhere else, exploring duckburg and having adventures was his favorite thing, and todays adventure was;

Visiting the Amphitheater!

So he quickly got to the bus stop.

Then a ride to the McDuck Manor Station.

Y/N Left the bus and started to walk to away from the manor, to the Amphitheater.

And after a long walk, there he was!

Sure not much to enjoy at the first sight,but it was something , right?

Y/N:UHHHH,this is so stupid!

Y/N took one of the fallen to marbel pieces and throw it  to the middle of the stage , BUT when it landed a piece of stage opened? And a girl, looking same age as Y/N was getting out but the marbel hit her face.

???:Hey! Who threw that.

Y/N Got down from the stairs.

Y/N:Uhh sorry, are you alrigth.

???:Do I look like ok smartpants?

Y/N:Sorry I just threw it and I didn't knew that there wasn't a mystery hatch down under- wait THERES A MYSTERIOUS HACTH DOWN THERE?!

???:Huh (A little smirk appears) sure want to come in?

Y/N:Thanks! By the way if you want I can help you bandage your head?

???:Sure,thanks for the help.

Both of them started to go down

Y/N:Oh wow cool lava lamp!


Y/N:So is this like a hideout or something?

???:No this is my house.

Y/N:Oh, didn't catch your name, what is it?

???:Its Lena.

Y/N:Nice to meechya Lena.

Lena:Yeah thanks.

Y/N:Now where can the bandages be?

Lena:uhhh I think rigth there, next to my diary.

Y/N:Oh,found it!

Y/N Started pacthing Lena.

Y/N:So whats behind, the curtain?

Lena:Oh,oh oh its a secret!

Y/N:Gee you should of just said it,of course I wouldn't disturb a "Lady's" secret.

Lena:Hehe, you know your a fun,would you like to hang out sometime?

Y/N:Sure thing, Mi'lady.

Lena:Stop it already.

Y/N:As you wish Mi'lady

Lena:Stop,any ways are you done?

Y/N:And done!

Y/N:so,what do you do here for fun?

Lena:Yeah nothing much, just being alone and thinking makes someone fun sometimes.

Y/N:Yeah, I always do that, looking at the start,thinking,thinking and thinking until I fall to sleep.

Lena:Seems like we have something in common right?

Y/N:Yeah,  so what else do you do huh?

Lena:Oh nothing sometimes mess with the Beagles,write suspicious notes and all that stuff.

Y/N:Cool,the days jus started so...... wanna do those?


Y/N:Yeah I have a boring life yours is full of excitement!

Lena:Alrigth then lets get this party started people!

 After a long day of Y/N and Lena,sending notes, messing with the Beagles and having a  blast of a day, sun was setting  in the horizon with both of them sitting on top of the sea.

Y/N:Your a really cool person!

Lena:Kid,you have skills to,untdying ropes, an definite fighter I must say!

Y/N:Thanks!Well its getting late I need to go.

Lena:Oh well then see you tomorrow!

Y/N:See you, friend!

After that Y/N left

Lena was at gasp, even though all the things Magica said to her, that she is just pure magic, someone liked her being her and said that she is her friend that was the most special thing she ever heard.

And while those thoughts were going on, Y/N arrived home.

Y/N Rings the bell and Donald opens you.

Donald:Where did you went today huh,to the subway-huh?

As Donald saw his nephew smiling after a very long time -ever since Della dissapered-

Y/N:I went to the amphitheatre and made a new friend!

Donald was gonna say something but, he let it slip,it was the first time in eternity he saw Y/N smile, so he just let it slip.

And with that two paths of dark, full on enraged teenganers path meet during the peek of their life, and with this a new story began for the two,not a lonely world, but a world that hey have friends.

So Hello Guys,author here! I have 2 things to say, THANK YOU FOR 4K READS!
And second this chapter is a subchapter (you problaly got it already) which was requested by a follower and I said why not and kinda made it a 4K reads special.

Word Count: 702

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