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"Because of this incident, I don't have the face to stay here anymore, even if the director allows me to. However, I don't want to be transferred to another hospital, because a good boss like Director Jung is hard to come across. Director Jung is in charge of South Side as well, so I mentioned it to him. He objected at first because he thinks I won't be able to handle the stress there, but after seeing my persistence, he agreed."

"But you don't have to do this to yourself. If you don't want to stay at this location, why don't you ask to be transferred to the West Side Infertility Clinic? I heard that they're hiring as well," Wonyoung suggested.

Lisa shook her hands immediately, "When I worked in the OB/GYN Department, I was tired, but my heart was at ease because we helped newborns come to this world every day. I'd rather die than work at West Side! Seeing couples with reproductive problems being forced to come in and out of the hospital every day will make me depressed. A person's work environment affects their mood. South Side Recuperation Center is filled with patients undergoing rehabilitation therapy, so the work won't be too stressful. Plus, I heard that South Side's salary is the highest of all the hospitals, it's three times more than what I earn here."

Lisa was telling the truth; she hadn't been offered a permanent position yet, so her monthly salary was very less.

On the other hand, nurses at South Side Recuperation Center earned thrice every month. It made sense; people who looked after rich people should be paid more. Otherwise, no one else would want to do it.

"Yeah right, you're not one to care about salary, you're just trying to get me off your case." Wonyoung still didn't understand why Lisa was so set on working at South Side, but she knew that it wasn't for the money.

Lisa smiled but said nothing more. Wonyoung hugged her, "Unnie, I'll miss you so much. We've worked together for so long, and I'm really sad to see you leave."

"If it weren't for South Side's notorious reputation, I would definitely ask you to leave with me."

"Forget it, I'm not going there. I'd rather quit than go work at South Side!" Wonyoung immediately waved her hands.

Lisa joked, "But I heard a lot of young and pretty nurses want to work there, just so they can find a rich boy to marry."

"I'll pass on the rich boys, marrying rich isn't as easy as you think. Most end up becoming the mistresses or play toys of rich men. Men invest their money while women invest their emotions. It's not an equal transaction, I won't do it. It's not worth it."

Lisa happily patted Wonyoung on her shoulder upon hearing this. "You're right, humans shouldn't be so greedy. It's hard to be a wife of a wealthy man – just look at the celebrities on TV. Once they marry rich, some suffer physical abuse but are afraid to complain. They have no choice but to swallow everything. It's better to live happily alone than in suffocation."

"You're right, unnie. I will keep that in mind forever. If you can't stand working there, remember to request to come back, okay? The director is really nice to you."

"Okay." Lisa nodded.

Lisa's transfer to South Side Recuperation Center was later announced by the hospital. At the same time, she was offered a permanent position. Lisa was no longer an intern.

Her colleagues at the OB/GYN department, including the head nurse, and Chief of the laboratory, suggested that they have dinner together as a farewell party to Lisa.

It was hard to turn down their kindness, so Lisa made reservations at a restaurant. The group headed there together after work.

During dinner, she sent a message to Jungkook telling him that she'll be late, but he didn't reply.

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