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Jungkook held the dagger quietly but didn't move...

The scar-faced man sneered, "Let go of the rope."

Then, with a 'swoop', Lisa fell from midair and plummeted right into that tin bucket filled with icy water.

She choked, feeling as if she was about to suffocate...

"Don't touch her!" Going crazy, Jungkook wanted to run up to her.

However, the scar-faced man's lackeys ran up to grab him...

"So... you should really consider stabbing yourself, or else... your wife might become a water ghost," the man smiled hideously...

Without another word, Jungkook immediately turned over the dagger, pushing it right into his chest...

Blood immediately spewed everywhere...

Lisa was struggling in the water bucket, so she didn't see that soul-stirring moment.

Or else, she might have died from heartache...

"Bring her up," satisfied with Jungkook's admission of defeat, the scar-faced man ordered his lackeys.

Someone then tugged on the rope and pulled Lisa up from the bucket.

Her entire body was drenched by the icy water...

Water ran down from her hair, dripping and dropping...

When Lisa opened her eyes to see Jungkook, she felt so much pain inside her that she couldn't breathe...

Jungkook was holding a dagger in his hand, which had pierced into his chest... However, he didn't fall over and was still standing up straight.

Lisa felt the pain Jungkook was in; he was hurting, and so was she.

"Let go... of my wife," Jungkook said weakly.

The scar-faced man clapped his hands together. "Not bad, you are a real man."

This man had kidnapped many people in his life, but no man was willing to do something like that for their wife.

Jungkook, on the other hand, stabbed himself in the chest to save Lisa... It wasn't as simple as a skin injury.

"You scumbags, bastards... just fucking kill us and get it over with, don't play tricks... You'll pay for what you did today!"

Lisa rarely swore in verbal confrontations, because she didn't see the point.

However, today she couldn't help but curse at the scar-faced man and his lackeys.

"What's the rush? I will let you guys die together, don't worry."

"I did everything you told me to, let her down. Be a man of your words," Jungkook turned his attention back onto the man and said coldly.

"Let her down."

He kept his promise; he knew that with so many people here, Lisa and Jungkook wouldn't even be able to leave even if they tried.

After his men put Lisa down, Jungkook immediately rushed up to her and held her in his arms.

"Doll... I'm sorry," Jungkook said as he heartbreakingly hugged her.

"Are you an idiot? Why did you come when you didn't even hear my voice? What if it was a trap?" Lisa couldn't stop crying.

She was surprised that although she didn't make a sound, Jungkook still decided to come.

"I didn't want to risk it, I can't afford to risk it." Jungkook held her head and brushed her forehead against his lips.

SET IN STONE• (part-1)Where stories live. Discover now