Chapter 2.

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Jake's POV

Once Ember and I exited through the doors, we were in the part of the gym that is a trophy room. There are three cases filled with trophies, and there's also restrooms in this small part of the gym.

I watch Ember walk into the girl's restroom, and I walk into the boy's which was right across. I looked at myself in the mirror and winced at the reflection I saw. I had whipped cream all over my face. Some was in my hair, and it was completely smeared on my chest.

I quickly start to wash my face with water, trying to get the sticky substance off. Although I was busy trying to get this whipped cream out of my hair, face, and chest, I couldn't help but just think about Ember. Ember is one of the most beautiful girls I've seen. Her long black hair was usually down as it framed her face perfectly. She has these bright green eyes that always look at me filled with hatred.

I smile to myself as I think of the ways I get under Ember's skin. I start to dry my face and chest with paper towels. I got all of the whip cream off of myself plus my hair. I wonder if Ember was able to wash it all out, especially since I smeared it all over her clothes. I should feel guilty, but a part of me doesn't allow me to be.

I throw my shirt back on as I'm about to exit the restroom. I hear some voices outside in the trophy room. I peak my head through the door to see who it is, the voices don't sound very happy. It was Ember and her boyfriend — I'm pretty sure the dude is Logan Wren. I make sure they aren't able to see me, but I stay put since I was able to hear their conversation. Usually, I'm not the type to listen in when it's none of my business, but when I heard my name, it caught my attention.

"Logan, it was a stupid stunt and a stupid game." Ember's annoyance was evident. I know that tone in her voice. She uses it with me all of the time.

I hear as Logan sighs. "I know it was a stupid stunt," his voice seems a little more calm now. "I just don't understand why you give in to his attitude so much. You know he's an asshole who is just trying to get a reaction out of you."

"I know," Ember's voice was low, it no longer seemed to have that hint of annoyance. "He just knows how to push my buttons, and every time I give in." I could see Ember holding her head, as if preventing a headache from forming.

I smile to myself knowingly. Ember and I have known each other since the third grade. I remember I was feeling nervous when she had to sit in front of me. I was only eight, and I wasn't sure why the new girl made me so nervous. I was chewing gum, and before I knew it I somehow managed to spit it out onto Ember's long hair. I tried to remove it before anyone noticed, but it was a failed attempt. Ember practically screamed. I remember feeling so guilty for getting the gum stuck in her hair, but after she stuck gum on my pants, I figured we were even. Ever since, small mishaps would happen to her. I also wasn't surprised when the same thing would happen to me.

Logan seems to be angry or jealous by the fact that Ember allows herself to be bothered by me. The guy has nothing to worry about. Ember and I are nothing more than enemies. I hate her, just as much as she hates me. For him to be putting this blame on her, was stupid. It was, "Pathetic."

The word came out louder than I expected it to. I know Ember and Logan heard me, so there was no point in trying to hide anymore. I try to make it seem as if I wasn't eavesdropping, but I know I was probably failing completely.

I came into view, Ember has an angry look on her face. Her eyebrows knit together, and her green eyes glare at me. She had gotten herself cleaned up, and it seemed as if Logan had lent her his black Nike hoodie. "Really? You were eavesdropping?" Ember was pissed, her tone of voice was filled with fury.

I don't react. I cross my arms over my chest, and shrug. "No. Why would I be eavesdropping? It's not my fault you two were having a private conversation while I walked out of the restroom."

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