Chapter 5.

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Jake's POV

It was Thursday afternoon, and my shift at the movie theater was thankfully almost over. The day had gone by pretty slow— especially since I was stuck behind the popcorn counter. Usually, I try to be the one to clean the theaters since I don't have to deal with movie goers, but not today. Ryan decided to take over cleaning the rooms after every movie while I got stuck filling popcorn buckets over and over again.

I was wiping down the popcorn counter when I noticed a very familiar girl with a little kid at the ticket counter. My lips slightly part, and a devious smile pushes its way to my lips. As soon she's done paying for her tickets, I look back down at the counter. I try to appear busy, but I also probably look like a moron. Since I'm usually the one cleaning the auditoriums after a movie is over, she's never noticed me behind the rolling trash cans. But this time if she gets popcorn, there is no avoiding me.

"Jake?" There it was, her soft voice before it gets that hint of annoyance after interacting with me.

I smile tightly as I look up at her. "How may I help you?"

The little boy Ember is with looks familiar, but I wasn't sure why. He looks to be about eight to ten, with black hair and the same green eyes as Ember but they hide behind his glasses. He looks at me questiongly, so I immediately try to soften my expression.

Ember turns to face the little boy, a much sweeter expression grows on her face. "Tommy, why don't you go get us a soda?"

"Any flavor I want?" The little boy's eyes grow in excitement — which causes Ember to smile a little wider. I place a large cup for the soda fountain on the counter.

"Yes, any flavor is fine."

Tommy quickly grabs the cup and takes off to the soda fountain. The harder expression returns to my features as I wait for Ember to speak to me.

Ember raises an eyebrow at me as she places one of her hands on the glass counter. She starts to tap, a wicked smile soon appearing on her pink glossed lips. "You didn't have time to hide from me this time?"

Slowly, my expression softens as my signature smirk appears on my lips. "I couldn't this time, I'm stuck here serving popcorn and charging for snacks." I extend my arms out as if showing her my job.

"Well, I would just like to remind you that I expect good customer service." A devilish smile is on Ember's lips.

I rest my forearms on the counter and lean forward at an attempt to be closer to her. I furrow my eyebrows questiongly at her. "Actually, I thought we weren't allowed to go to each other's workplace?"

Ember stops tapping and rolls her eyes. "Well, you shouldn't be allowed at mine. It's not like it's the only coffee place there is in Rosehill. There's at least three Starbucks for you to choose from, and this is the only movie theater."

I sigh as I smack my lips together. "I don't think I like that very much. Besides, I prefer the coffee from The Coffee House to Starbucks."

"Well, that's too bad, isn't it?" Ember smiles sarcastically. I look at her for a second before I catch myself grinning.

"I got the soda. Can we go now?" Tommy says as he approaches the counter.

Ember quickly turns her attention to Tommy. "Um, how about you go wait for me inside the auditorium? I'm just going to get the popcorn and pay, okay?"

Ember hands the little boy a ticket, and he gladly takes it. "Okay," he calls out before walking away.

Ember's attention was back to me. "Can I just get a medium popcorn?"

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