The Memories We Shared (Angst)

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hello lovesss

this was requested by Eli_The_Person

i've never written angst before and as you can tell im scared to lolz

this is platonic, so take this as you will

SO SORRY FOR HOW LONG THIS TOOK OMGGG I SUCK ACTUAL ASS AT WRITING ANGST IM SO SORRYYYYY but thank you so much for your kind patience, it was very appreciated <3

anyway this has a big tw for the following:
su!c!de attempts
mentions of severe depression

happy reading :D

they noticed you were off recently. They continuously tried to ask if you were okay, but you responded the same everytime.

"I'm okay, see?" and you showed them your biggest smile.

that was not enough to convince them, but they decided not to poke and prod at you anymore.

but that also was not enough to make them stop questioning: what was going on inside of your head that you could not tell them?


they rung your doorbell once, twice, three times, nothing.

they considered calling you, but you did not respond. it cut to your voicemail every time.

so, they entered and stood outside your bedroom door. isn't this sort of a breach of privacy? Whatever, it's only because they care about you.

They gently open the door...


- Sunny's initial reaction is complete shock

-y/n? the happiest person they knew? 

-no, it's not real

-oh, but it is

-he honestly had no clue what to do as he continued to stare at your body that hung from the ceiling, your (almost) lifeless eyes gazing at nothing in particular and your expression was one of sorrow

-he called Mari, she would know what to do

-She arrived shortly after, and she called the police. 

- Mari was crying uncontrollably at the hospital, Sunny showing no emotion

- But what you see is not always true

- he was worried, and once the nurse told the two that you survived, they immediately went to go see you, ignoring the nurse. 

- you smiled weakly at them, as Mari hugged you softly, sobbing into your neck. Sunny's eyes flickered with emotion for a minute. 

- the others shortly arrived, happy to see you alive and functioning. You swear that Sunny flashed you a smile while you were talking to him, but you can't say for sure

- but you are grateful for them


-Oh man. When I tell you he panicked, I mean it. He did not hesitate to let the tears fall

- he called the police

-Hero comforted him in the waiting room 

-when he was told that you are okay, he dashed to your room to see you

- you sobbed into his arms as he cried into yours

- it was a sweet little moment you two shared

- he never left your side after that


-oh no.

-was he not good enough for you?

-did he cause this to happen? was it his fault??

-he called Hero because he is the most responsible person that basil knew

- together, they took down your body and checked your pulse, and basil was very relieved to know that you are still alive

-so they called an ambulance, and waited patiently

- basil was a crying mess, he blamed himself for it

- but once you were okay, you reassured him that he had nothing to do with it

- he still doesn't fully believe you, but he is trying to 


- she saw your (almost) dead body on the ground, with multiple pill bottles surrounding you, one of which being in your hand

- "what happened to you, y/n..?" she mumbled to herself as she dialed the hospital

- while they were arriving, she talked to you

- "y/n, I know you probably can't hear me right now, but I need you to know that everything will be fine"

- but you can hear her

- and you weakly smile at the sound of her now kind voice, but she doesn't seem to notice through her tears and blurry vision

- she waits with her head in her palms and her eyes closed as she sits in the waiting room waiting for any kind of doctor to announce that you are okay

- and once that happens, she goes to see you 

- she hugs you softly, and tells you not to make her worry like that again


-probably the most collected of them all

- he inspects your injuries, being two stab wounds near your stomach, but not deep enough to kill you

- he calls the hospital after making sure that you are okay

-like Aubrey, he talks to you before they arrive

- "y/n, you're gonna get through this, trust me"

- but he knows that you can't hear him

- and he knows that he should have kept asking if you were okay the day before

- and he knows that he should have figured out that you weren't alright, so this wouldn't happen

- he silently judges himself in the waiting room for being so stupid about everything

-once he knows that you are indeed alive and well, asks if you want to talk

- so he becomes your therapist for like 30 minutes as you tell him why you did what you did, and he thanks you for being open with him, and tells you that the next time you feel like that, you have to tell him because you could get yourself into another dangerous situation like that, and so on

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


i should be on regular updating time again probably

and i need to thank Eli_The_Person for being so patient and kind, your patience is very appreciated 

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