Tears for you

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Quentin would be listening to a song hoping nothing bad happens to ruin his moment of happiness.

https://youtu.be/QnvDyTt_pgs (tastelessmage - op rap cypher part 4)

Our young Mc would be writing a story thinking about his girlfriend Kai when a smiled appeared on his face.

"I really do hope she gets the chance to come visit since I can't do anything because of school" the male was thinking to himself hoping they could meet.

Quentin would be thinking to himself while writing his story and listening to music. While our mc was writing he would be thinking about his girlfriend Kai and thinking of dates they could go on.

"Maybe I could take her to a restaurant and then go shopping." the male was thinking to himself of date ideas.

The male was thinking to himself for awhile until out a nowhere he just started thinking of it. He put his phone on the charger, turned his music off and just layed in his bed thinking about life.

"I'm a horrible bf so why is she even with me, I give her everything she wants but I'm sure someone else's makes her happy.... " The male thought to himself while looking at his wall.

"She always talks about other guys such as he best friend guy she likes from stranger things, how her guy friend would take her places" Quentin would stay quiet trying not to cry but was still thinking.

"Her family hates me for no reason and I haven't even met them, she's never comfortable with anything, like I can't call her, ask for her number, I can't hear her voice it's like you ask for so much but I get nothing in return" he was so close to crying but was able to keep it together until it finally came to his mind.

"Could she be cheating on me or just playing with my feelings because I barely get her attention she always want something, she loves talking about other guys and wants everything to be about her" this thought had brought our mc to tears as the lights were off his door was shut whit the covers over him while he cried silently.

November 6th

Kai would be texting Quentin a lot less and Quentin would try not to cut his arm again because when he first did it he cut himself deeply. Quentin would be at working not acting like his normal happy self because he was just thinking about everything. His girlfriend said she was coming to visit but she would be online and not texting him just left him on delivered.

Right when Quentin git home he got a message from his girlfriend saying "I can't come visit you anymore" this broke his heart.

Quentin just told her that's its fine and just thought about their relationship.

"I can't get anything from her, will she even visit for prom I know I should go to visit her but I still need school. I wonder if she's cheating on me and I wonder if she even loves me at this point" he said to himself quietly while looking at the roof.

"Quentin I'm sorry this is my fault" she was texting Quentin telling him that she was sorry.

Quentin just told her it's fine even tho he was could watch a movie with her, show her his dog ect...

Kai had a thing of promising him something and would never do it, and he actually thought they would finally get the chance to meet. Quentin started posting sad things and depressing post on his story as he was just crying. Tears kept falling out of his eyes and he couldn't stop until he cried himself to sleep.

November 7th (my birthday)

Quentin was already having a bad day at school and at home just thinking about his girlfriend and how plans to come and visit was canceled because her sister didn't wanna go anymore.

No one really knew it was his birthday unless he posted about it. He got birthday wishes from his friend jalynn, her boyfriend, his girlfriend, his family and other friends but he just looked dead inside the whole day on his birthday.

"Hey hey" Quentin said to jalynn since she was awake.

The two talked for a little bit but Quentin took a shower and got ready for school.

Quentin just listen to another song that he could let his emotions out before he had to put up a fake smile in front of everyone.

https://youtu.be/3LxP3ko3wIk (rustage - stressed out)

Quentin was trying his hardest not to cry but some tears slipped through his eyes but luckily no one saw it.

The whole day went by and Quentin and his girlfriend Kai barely talked. There was times where she wouldn't respond for days and Quentin just felt like complete shit and wanted to kill himself.

November 9th

Quentin still was feeling like shit and wanted to kill himself but he knew he could get through all of this.

"I guess love isn't for me or maybe I just won't be loved" was Quentin mindset because she's never really showed that she cared for his emotions unless it was something serious like how she gives him false hope but Quentin just looked at the sky thinking.

"I'm sure she's probably gonna break up with me one day but that doesn't matter to me since my feelings doesn't matter to anyone because everything is always about others". Our MC thought to himself as he was listening to music.

"I fucking hate myself and wish I could just be happy for once" the male thought to himself while he layed in his bed thinking about his past relationships.

I wonder if she ever even loved me from the beginning, what happened and why is texting me less, is it so hard to be loved and be happy" he asked himself scrolling through messages of his ex, his old best friend Dani and his girlfriend Kai message because they all seemed to barely talk to him.

Quentin last relationship ended because of her bff and now he feels like his current one is being ruined but he doesn't know why or what he did because she never wanted to talk to him.

Quentin went to the kitchen and grabbed a knife looked at it and decided to put it back and went to his room to go to sleep deciding that it's not worth hurting himself over.

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