The gladers first night

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"I don't know who this shuck thinks he is but we're getting out of here." Minho was determined. You walk out of the bushes and sat down on the log near the boys whom Pan just captured "You don't get it, do you?" They all looked at you "Your world is fucked with this flare disease thing, you're lucky Pan saved your asses." You continued "What does he want with us?" Thomas asked "You guys will just have to serve him.....forever." you replied "We have to die someday, who are you anyway?" Newt asked "Neverland is magic, time stands still here which means you will stay forever young here. I am Esmeralda, Peter's right hand woman." You smiled proudly "What if we dont want to follow his orders? What if we decide to live in another part of this island? Or escape? And Magic's a bunch of bullshuck" Minho stated "You guys are so full of questions, no one leaves Neverland without his permission and Pan always gets what he wants. Now, you guys seem tired and hungry." You took your wand out of the pocket of the leafy dress that you were wearing and looked at them "You're gonna feed us with a stick?" Minho gave you a snide cackle "Do you ever shut up, dearie?" You spun your wand around and food appeared right in front of each of them. "What the shucking klunk!" Minho exclaimed as all of them looked amaze "now, eat up and rest up!" You put the wand back "Where is Pan anyway?" Thomas asked "He had....some business to attend to, another realm to make deals with king triton and mermaids." You explained "Mermaids?! Magic?! Evil Peter Pan?! We must have eaten something really off in the glade to hallucinate this much." Minho said "You haven't shut up since we got here." Newt looked at Minho "how about we make a deal with Pan?" Thomas suggested but you just laughed and replied "Pan doesn't need to make a deal with you, he has you right where he wants you. Now, follow me to your tent." You lead them to a place with several tents "some of the boys are sleeping,so please don't be so rowdy." You led them into one of the tents "You can all rest here"

"Why should we follow your orders?" Gally raised a brow at you "You're right...why should you follow her orders? I mean this is Neverland, right? Do as you please" You heard Pan at your back "Pan.....don't." You said, he simply looked at you while smirking "no no, Esmeralda....we must let this boy do what he pleases." Pan blew a orange type of powder to Gally's face which made him cough "I'll give you a few sunrises and sunsets before it really starts to kick in." Pan looked at Gally, still smirking "What was that?!" Gally exclaimed "Sun shade." Pan simply replied "Now, love. I'll be at my thinking tree...keep yourself entertained with these boys who think that they're such hot shots, thinking they can disrespect you." Gally began coughing out blood uncontrolably "bloody hell" Newt exclaimed.

You immediately ran to another tent to get a bottle of water "Gally, drink this. It's from the falls, it'll cure you" he immediately chugged it down "Why are you being so nice to us?" Asked Newt "Because Pan wont and I don't want you to think that Neverland is complete hell." You walked away from them, entering your tent.

You heard footsteps enter your tent as you were fixing up your bed "The new boys are interesting." You stated

"What?" Newt replied

You immediately turned your back and realized that it wasn't Pan who entered "I'm sorry, I thought you were Pan...what are you doing here?" You asked Newt "I can't sleep, actually all of us cant. They sent me here to retrieve some answers. We're so confused so can you please just clear things up for us?" You could see the pure confusion on his face "Sure, let's sit." You gestured towards your bed.

"Why are we here?" He started to ask "Pan needs more lost boys, I don't know his reasons but he said he needed strong and smart boys. That's why you guys are here" you answered "is he going to kill us?" He asked again "if you play your cards right, he wont." You assured him. More questions passed and instead of being about the situation, you guys started to ask questions about yourselves. He told you the story behind his limp, you told him the story on why you were thereand you two just began talking about other things.You felt a connection with this boy, it was a weird feeling. Hours passed so Newt decided to go back to their tent.

"Well well well....what were you doing in there?" Pan raised his brow at Newt "He was just curious about some he asked me." You explained "Alright then, get back to your tent, blondie." Newt nodded and went away.

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