Pan's power

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Morning came and most of the lost boys were awake but Pan was nowhere to be seen. He was always going somewhere which kinda made you miss him. Pan was a dictator and he was an ass but you loved him anyway, you never told him but you knew that he knew

"Esmeralda" Felix tapped you on the shoulder "Yes?" You snapped out of your daze "the new boys...they're gone." You rolled your eyes "Oh God.....they're in for a treat from Pan. Felix, continue training with the other lost boys. I'll find them"

You went through the forest and found the four boys there with weapons from the camp "I don't get why you want to escape. You can't escape and there's nothing left for you in your land!" Gally grabbed you and Minho took the wand off your pocket "We know there's a paradise and we're shucking sure it's not here." Minho stated "Let go of me!" You screamed "Esmeralda, you could live a better life once we get to paradise, we'll bring you there with us if you help us get out of here" Newt looked deep into your eyes "Newt....this is your home now, you can't escape Neverland."you actually felt bad for these boys because you knew that Neverland was the closest thing they'll ever have to paradise. Thomas tied you up on a tree "We're not gonna hurt you but we will use you as blackmail for Pan, he'll surely let us go if we held you hostage but I promise we wont hurt you, We're sorry for this" Thomas stated. "Please, let me go....Pan can be awfully aggresive." You warned them "We have your wand thing. We can just poof him or something" Minho said as he held up your wand "One little problem though." The wand flew into Pan's hands and with a twist of his hand, vines started to tie around the boys from the glade and untied you from the tree"I thought you were smarter than this...." Pan sighed "Pan, they're just confused. Please spare them, they aren't a lot of boys left to recruit in the mortal world y'know" you approached him "Oh, I will spare long as they promise to do as I please." Pan walked over to them "and why the shuck would we do that?!" Minho protested, so Pan stuck his hand in Minho's chest taking his heart "What the shuck?!" Minho exclaimed as the other gladers' eyes widen at the sight "If you don't follow my orders then..." Pan started squeezing it lightly and Minho screeched in pain "Pan stop..." You took Minho's heart and put it back in his chest "Fine fine! We'll be part of your lost boy thing!" Thomas finally agreed, "Great!" Pan smiled and the boys were finally set free from the vines "Esme, dear..." he lifted your chin up "take care of the boys while I talk to the oracle sisters in the underworld....we have business to discuss." He leans in closer, you blush at how close your faces were "y-yes Pan."

"I'll be back tonight and then we shall have a bonfire to properly welcome my new lost boys..."

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