Episode 1: a new regime

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Walking into this beautiful new studio with my best friend Jacquie is such a great feeling. After hearing about the next step's win at internationals, Jacquie and I knew we had to audition. We are both very competitive and always fight to be the best.

Looking around the room, I've never seen so many great dancers in one place, we have some real competition if we want to make A-troupe.

I decided to say hi to a few people and hopefully make some new friends.

I walk up to this blonde girl with her hair in a bun and she looks really intimidating.
Um hi, I'm Harper, what's your name? I ask.
Richelle. So I don't think Richelle is a very talkative person. I might just leave her to her stretching and maybe talk to her later if I get the chance.

As i am stretching I see this blonde lady walk in, kind of our age i would guess but a little bit older, starts to speak.
Everyone, everyone gather round. She says getting everyone's attention. As I walk over I stop and stand next to guy wearing a blue shirt. He's kinda cute if I'm being honest. I start looking for Jacquie until I spot her with a boy in a grey shirt, they look kinda close, so I'm assuming that's the guy she's been talking to me about.
As most of you know, I'm Emily. Former A-troop member and former dance captain and now....your new studio head! Everybody started clapping. I don't know Emily but while stretching I heard some people talking great things about her and what she did for the team. I'm excited to work with her.

I've also gone ahead and hired the best choreographer in the business. Please welcome..Daniel!
Hey everyone welcome to the A-troupe auditions.
Honestly I'm not a patient person and I really wish we would start on these auditions already.
Get warm, let's go.
I walk over to Jacquie because I don't have any other friends here. I see her talking with the guy in the grey shirt again so I thought I'd go introduce myself.
Hi, I'm Harper. What's your name? I ask. He turns slightly to look at me more and says i'm noah, nice to meet you. I instantly turn to Jacquie and give her the eye as to say, is the guy you've been talking to. She just turns around and gives me a small smile.

Alrighty everyone, we are about ready to begin. Gather round. We are doing things are little bit differently this year. I'm going to divide you into groups and the first group is... my god I hope it's me I really just want to dance already. Ozzy. So that's the cute guys name. Alexandra, Kevin, Jasmine and Latroy. Thank you so much for coming, both Daniel and I really appreciate it unfortunately we're not going to be asking any of you to dance today but we would be more then happy to see you on our B-troop. Thank you so much for coming.
I'm in shock. Emily just cut dancers and the auditions haven't even started yet. I turn my head instantly as this girl starts yelling at Emily for what she had just done. I thought about saying something but with the look Emily just gave her I decided to keep my mouth shut.

Ok we are gonna begin, we'll start with freestyle solo. We're looking for creativity, versatility but above all technique. That's really important to us. Let's get started.
In group 1 can we have Noah, Jacquie, Henry, Tyler and Danielle. Bummer. I really wanted to be in the first group. I really wanna dance. Wait. Henry? I didn't see him before, I wonder if Jacquie saw him. They have quite the history and personally I really don't want to remember. All those countless times I had to third wheel. Noah starts dancing and my god he's insane. The tricks, the turns, the technique he has. It's incredible to watch. Noah brought Jacquie into his audition, I think that's the cutest thing ever!! Jacquie starts dancing and like always she's flawless. After Jacquie's dance Henry takes the floor and I gotta say he's improved big time.

Ok let's have group 2, can we have Amy, Josh, Zara, Piper and Harper. FINALLY. it's my time to shine and I'm not letting anything hold me back from making A-troupe.
Even though Amy had her little outburst earlier she's actually a really good dancer and very good at acro. Piper takes the floor and I'll hand it to her she's got some great moves too. As piper leaves it's my turn. I start my solos with a round off back layout. I'm pulling out my best tricks, showing as much technique as I can. I really hope I impress Emily and Daniel.
After I finish my solo, and after watching everyone else's, I'm not sure I'll make A-troupe.
Everyone was insanely good and I'm not sure if my audition was enough to top some of them.

Wow we have a lot to discuss, please wait here and we will let you know what our decisions are. Once again thank you so much. Everyone applauds. I walk over to Jacquie and we squeal and hug and tell each other how well each other did. You did amazing and that layout your definitely making A-troupe for sure!
Oh my god your solo was amazing too, I really hope we both make it. I really do hope Jacquie and I make it on A-troupe together because we both came here for a new place to dance and it would be weird coming to the studio and not rehearsing with my best friend.

Jacquie and I stand there, hands linked together as we watch Emily and Daniel come out of the office. We have chosen 10 dancers. If you hear your name being called out congratulations you have made A-troupe.... Michelle. Everyone claps. Michelle is a great dancer it's not a surprise really that she made it. Lola, Richelle, Noah, Zara, Danielle, Jordan, Jacquie, Harper. I want to throw my hands in the air, scream, hug her and cry at the same time. I'm so happy we made it together. She's worked really hard and I'm so proud of her. And the last spot goes to....Piper. Thank you all for coming.
On 3 we say A-troop. 1,2,3 A-TROUPE
It's time to get to work. I honestly can't believe we made A-troupe and together! I can not wait to go to regionals with my team.

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