Episode 9: tale of two Eldon's

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Emily is taking us through the choreography of the dance battle routine because we need to beat Michelle's team if we want to go to regionals, so we are just working on it making sure it's neat and tidy. So far I really like this dance, I really think we have a good chance at winning this. I love my friends on TNS west but I want to go to regionals so we better win this. Emily calls us in and tell us we are going to have to add in a hip hop section, which I am really excited about. I love dancing hip hop even though I'm not the best at it.

Emily brung Eldon in to choreograph a section for our routine, so we are just doing some freestyle because he wants one of us to do a solo. I started free styling and I am giving it everything I got. I really hope Eldon picks me for this solo. After I finish I start to feel like I won't get it as soon as Jacquie starts dancing. She's always been better at hip hop then me. Girls that was incredible, you guys all killed that. That was awesome. Now I do have to make a decision so the person that I decided to go with is... I gotta go. Eldon says. What? How can you just come in a have us audition for a solo and then leave. Who did you decide on? Zara yells out. Oh um Lola. He finishes as he walks out. I'll admit I'm a little bit disappointed that I didn't get it but that means I have to work that much harder. So I go to Lola and congratulate her because she did do really well and definitely deserves it.

Richelle is running us through the routine because Eldon is taking a really long time. I really don't know where he went but we really need him to be here if we want to win. He then finally walks through the door. Hey guys how's it going?
We've been practicing spacing for 20 minutes. I say in an annoyed tone.
Ok perfect I love that. Keep working on that, actually you know what brainstorm some ideas I like where you guys are going with it just keep going you guys are doing great, I gotta head out but I'll see you soon. Okay brainstorm. What in the world is going on he walks in and then walks out. Something has to be going on.

Eldon then walks back in the room after god knows how long.
This next section is gonna be great, I have a lot of stuff planned you ready to do contemporary? Eldon asks?
Don't you mean hip hop? I ask him.
Yeah.. I really don't know what's going on with him but something is definitely up.

We are all just sitting down on the floor because we are all tired of Eldon running in and out of our rehearsals. We don't know what's happening but we are tired. What are you guys doing sitting down, come on stand up. We've got work to do people, let's go, Noah hurry up I'm tired of this. Noah just looks at him with a glare then looks at me and rolls his eyes. I do the same thing back because he is completely wasting our time and we are getting sick of it. I wanna work on the solos so Lola step forward. Lola steps forward and Eldon asks what she's doing. He got the names mixed up. He then points to Jacquie and asks what her name is. I'm Jacquie. She tells him confusedly. Ohhh yeah I'm really sorry but I wanted to work with Jacquie. He tells Lola.
That's bad, that's real bad. I feel so bad for Lola, and I can tell by the look on Jacquie's face that she really wanted the solo but not like this.

After rehearsal I decided to go grab a juice because I have had a long day. I walk in and I see Ozzy sitting there so I decided to go sit with him. Heyyyy Ozzy. How you going? I ask.
Hey Harper, I'm alright.
He seems pretty upset so I wanna cheer him up.
What's up, you seem pretty down?
Oh Michelle found a 10th member, but he's just really rude. He's called Kingston a basement dancer and won't pronounce my name properly. I'm sorry called Kingston a basement dancer? He's done a lot to get to where he is and I'm proud of him for that how dare this new kid say something. Only thing is he's a really good dancer, and I don't wanna upset Michelle by saying anything. He adds on. I feel bad, this guy seems like a piece of work. Well I say, stand up for yourself, Michelle will find out about him anyway. If he says something about your name again, tell him your proper name and if he chooses to ignore you, ignore him. Fairs fair. He can ignore you so you can ignore him. If anyone says anything, tell them why your ignoring him I'm sure the others will be on your side with the stuff he's done. I hope I helped Ozzy, i don't like seeing him upset especially over someone who thinks their better then everyone else. He's so much better then them. Look if he's as bad as you say he is I don't reckon he'll be on your team for that long, Michelle can't ignore that behaviour forever. I add. So he's a great dancer!
Yeah but so are you and everyone else on that team. If he's a bad as he is you don't need him. I say. Ok if he does anything I'll see, thank you. I really hope Ozzy stands up to this guy because he sounds like a nightmare. Of course.
Can I have a hug?  This is new. I mean I'm not complaining but its a different side of Ozzy and I gotta say I kinda like it.
Sure. He then gets up off his seat and puts his arms around my waist while I put my arms around he's shoulders and I can tell he really needed this hug. Then I decide to make him talk about something more interesting. So you heard about the whole Eldon situation?
Yeah that was whack, I can't believe he double booked himself. He says.
After I got that conversation started he was back to happy Ozzy.

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