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She heard the front door close, she knew it was Davis. There was nobody else it would have been though. She was on her laptop in his room when he came in

"I am surprised that I didn't find you sleeping or something" she said
"Was i supposed to be sleeping?"
"You are always sleeping. I wonder how you keep your grades up" he said to her
"Well, I do keep them up and I have to or else my parents would ship me off to Australia and then I'll have to start a new life and still keep the grades up" she said
"Wow, that's a lot. How has handling it been?" He asked her
"Pretty fine. I mean, I'm used to it so it's not a big deal anymore" she said
"I guess so. Had lunch yet or you were waiting for me?" He asked
"You were the one that said you wanted to cook or some so I didn't bother" she said

He smiled and shook his head. That was her own way of avoiding to cook a meal. He got up from the bed and took off his jacket before heading down to the kitchen. He sighed as he cooked because his feelings kept growing and he didn't know what to do about it. Daniel had told him to be really honest with her and tell her what he felt but he didn't think it was necessary. She just got out of a toxic relationship. She might not be ready for any relationship in a long while and Davis knew this but a part of him was willing to wait for her and just be by her side. He didn't care how long it meant he had to wait, he was willing to wait. His phone rang upstairs and he dropped what he was cooking to go get it. He met Kayla ok the stairs

"Keisha" she said
"Huh? Why should she be calling me?" He asked
"Well, I don't know. Who is Keisha?" She asked
"Uhm, she is nobody really. Just some random person I met recently" he said, lying to her
"Then why are you so upset that she is calling you?" Kayla asked
"I don know. I guess I am just in a bad mood. I would probably just finish up with this and head to bed for a nap or something" he said to her

She looked at him carefully and shrugged her thoughts away. She didn't understand why he should be bothered about it. She figured it was probably something he didn't want to talk about to she let it be.

The weekend went by fast for the both of them and she was back in school on Monday. They had given to her house first to drop off her clothes before he dropped her off at school

"Do you want me to come pick you up?" He asked her
"Nah, Diana would do that and if she doesn't, I would just order a ride home" she said
"I'd Diana doesn't show up, just give me a call. It's that simple" he said
"I would try to" she said as she got down from his car and headed into the school

He sighed and he drove off. She walked into her class and saw someone new. She did look familiar but she was the least of Kayla's problems. Kayla noticed that Sara had moved her seat to where the new girl was and she was confused so she walked up to her to clear the air

"Hey, I noticed to moved your seat. What's up?" She asked
"Oh, nothing. I just want to sit here for the rest of the day. This is Keisha. You should know her" Sara said
"Sorry to disappoint" Kayla said as she turned away to leave.

She was on her phone when someone walked in. This was someone she knew all to well. Her former best friend. She took the empty space that Sara had left

"Kayla.." she said
"No, don't!" Kayla said as she stood up

She walked out of the class and headed for the cafeteria to get something to drink. She got there and ordered a bottle of milk

"Make that two please" she heard someone say behind her.

She looked back and saw him standing there, Andy

"Not in the mood" she said as she collected the bottles and handed one over to him
"Me neither, so let's talk it out. How is the nose?" He asked
"Fine now, thanks. What's wrong?"
"I don't know. Have you ever liked someone and you're scared to tell them because you don't know if they feel the same way?" He asked
"I don't know. I never really like people and the one person I like, well, you know how it ended but I like someone now and I think he likes someone else" she said
"And what are you going to do about it?" He asked her
"I don't think there is anything I can do about it" she said honestly
"Wow, that's somehow. I noticed your tension with Aurora" he said
"It's nothing. I'm surprised that you even know her" she said
"I know a lot of people. Davis and I were best friends once. He, Daniel and I were one hell of a trio before things fell apart and then, Aurora was dating Daniel so I was her friend, I still am" he said
"Happy for you lots" she said
"I know you don't mean that and it is okay" he said
"I guess so" she said
"Mind if I ask what happened between you guys?" He asked
"We used to be best friends. I mean, life was pretty nice till she went to Asia. She started to draw away from me and I didn't have friends then. I mean, the daughter of the richest man alive, it can get really lonely. She was my only friend. I just started to school here and I didn't know anybody" Kayla said
"And she left you" he said
"Stopped picking my calls, I literally begged her to stay in my life and she didn't. That is not something I can forgive" Kayla said

Kayla's Diaries (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now