Your alive?

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It's been a few moths now from when everyone almost died. " Kathrine?" the teacher called my name. " Here.." We where back in school again. I hated it here, I never hated it before, But now its just stupid and I find it useless. " and...Dominick!" the teacher said in excitement. " Hello sir." Dominick said with a tiny smile, He sat next to me he kept passing me cringy notes " Hey bubs how are you feeling?" and " Oi no sleeping in class!"  I rolled my eyes every time he gave me the second note of not sleeping in class, obviously I wasn't sleeping I was resting my eyes! " Kathrine answer number, 4!" I look up ' I was not paying attention in class bro! Why do you always pick me, far out there are other people with their damn hands up.' I thought to myself biting down on my teeth as I looked to the black bored " The invention and first use of technology from the 1800's is also integral to our lives today. Steam locomotives, the battery, photography, sewing machines, pasteurization, dynamite, the telephone, first practical car using internal-combustion engine and Coca Cola." I sat back in my chair feeling like a bad bitch, " Correct...Back to work everyone. Miss Blair is in fact paying attention." He almost sounded disappointed " Can I go home now?" I ask my teacher turns around and takes a deep breath " It's 9:00am" I nod                  " And ? I know this shit already" he points to me  " Watch your langue." he demanded " I roll my eyes " Can I go ?" he points to the door " Yeah you can!   To the principles office." I smile                  " Anywhere is better than this shit of a class." I grab my bag and books off my table and grab the note off of Dom's desk " Get OUT!" he yells " Take a chill pill dude...I'm going" I feel a pain in my neck  " OuCh!" I look to Dominick "Sir, my mother needs me. May i go?" he nods  " Thank you sir" I walk  out while Dominick dragged me out my my arm. " What did I do now?" I ask taking long steps juts be irritating. " What is going on?" he asks in a worried but serious tone                                 " nothing...why?" He began pulling me towards the exit. " Where are we going?" he didn't respond he ignored me and kept walking. I planted my feet into the floor. " Stop!" I command      " NO Kathrine we are going home and I'll do anything to get you talking because your miserable and I'm trying to help you!" he tries to pull me but get's an idea and throws me over his shoulder so that my face is facing his back and my feet are in front of him " Oh my god! put me down" I hated heights he was tall he was 6,5 I was only 5,5. "Look! Here is my father!" He passed me over to him " What do i do with her?" Nick asked in confusion. " I don't know. She doesn't want to talk to me so you can have her for the day. get her to help you with shit. I'm going home, the teacher is blabbering on about 1800's." he hopped into the car and drove off. "What happened?" he was still confused " I dunno.." like I was going to tell him. " Okay well, I need to drop something off for someone. Are you coming?" I look around " Nah, I'm just going to hop in the invisible car" we laughed " Okay come on!" he puts me down and we walk off " Okay so I need you to say here, and hide." I was shocked " Your joking?" " Yeah I am. let go inside." We walk into this big office building " Welcome sir. Who's this?" The woman behind the foyer desk asks " This is my soon to be daughter-in-law." I snap my head around " HUH?" he covers his mouth " hahaha" He laughs " Man, your someone else, I didn't expect this from you." I say as I walk forward " Hello! I'm Kathrine, nice to meet you." she smiles " Hello!" she turns to Nick " Sir, he is ready for you now." Nick smiled and told me to stay close to him. 

" Come in." another guy called from behind the door we stood in front " okay..." Nick opened the door and inside was gorgeous. " Whoa!" I look up and down and it was clean, paintings everywhere on the walls big ones small ones. "Sit." A very tall man rose from the sofa on right.    " Hello again brother!" Nick hugged the man and they both smiled until he looked at me that was, he didn't seem to pleased I was there. " H-hello, I'm Kathrine." I bow for a quick second and back up again. "Kathrine? that sounds familiar." He says Staring at me. " Nick?" I say as I turn to him,  "What is he doing?" I question as I face the tall guy, he looked a lot like Nick, only he didn't have brown hair he had blond. " he is seeing if your a threat." I shook my hand and waved my hands "No no, I'm no threat." I laugh awkwardly " I'll be the judge of that darling." He says as he steps closer " Oh I see you have a collar on, who owns you?" I get a little angry " Non of your busi-"  " I do." I heard Dominick from behind me as I feel hands rap around my waist he gives me a hug. " Well learn how to tame it." he says in in a rude way, " I'm a vampire. Not an IT, also I have a name." he chuckles and Dom puts his hand over my mouth and comes closer to my ear " Shut.Up, unless you want to die" he whispers. "Sorry about her uncle." Dominick says as I roll my eyes. "It's fine. I understand they can be very irritating." I move forward but Dom's grip is to strong I tried to push him off me but still nothing . " Stay still, dear." I stayed for a second but moved again "OI LILLY MAKE ME TEA!" I paused  " Here you-" I made eye contact with Lilly as she shed a tear " Kathy?" I nodded, Dom let me go and ran to her gave her a big hug as she dropped the tea and hugged me back "I'm so sorry Lilly!" I pleaded " It's okay now hun.." we sunk to the floor as she held me to her, I held her arm. "I missed you." I smiled " Me too." " Enough! Lilly clean it up." He clicked, " I will!" I say wiping my tears away, " It was my fault anyway" I hugged Lilly "Your alive!" I cheered we started jumping up and down. " ENOUGH!" we both looked at the man "You-" Dom ran over took my hands and kissed me. my cheeks turn a pink color as I close my eyes and melted into the kiss, we broke the kiss. " What was that for?" he smirked " To shut you up." I slap his arm " RUDE!" I yelled and stomped my foot.  he laughed  " Okay lovebirds" we looked at Nick "We need to start going." Nick handed the man a small yellow envelop. " Okay good bye." Nick and Dominick say as we walk out. "What about Lilly?" I ask as I hold onto Dominick's hand. "We will visit, don't worry your little head off." Dom says as we climb into the car.   

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