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An: just moving the stories I like from the bellice collection to their own stories. I do not own twilight!

Alice P.O.V  

I cracked my door open cautiously, peaking through the crack of the door.    When I didn't see anyone, I opened the door wider, still moving as slow as humanly possible. The entire process of opening my door took more than 5 minutes but you can never be too careful. I've tried every day for the past week and every time I've been caught. Not this time. Today is the day. I'm finally going to talk to her. Bella. After weeks of watching her, slowly building up courage, I've decided today is the day. I'm going to talk to her. But first… gotta get out of the house! Which honestly feels like mission impossible. This new house is old, the floorboards groan and the door hinges squeak. And everyone is a light sleeper. It's almost funny how well I've memorized this house now. 

    We lived here for 5 months now and I know this house like the back of my hand. I know Rosalie's door creaks whenever she opens it. I know the 17th step on the second flight of stairs is slightly uneven, which causes almost everyone to either stumble or fall. I know the floorboards outside of mom and Carlisle's room groans whenever you put the slightest bit of pressure on it. It took nearly a month to memorize the whole house but it was more than worth it. Because here I was. Downstairs. I've never made it down stairs. I usually never make it past mom's room but here I was. On the bottom of the stairs. 

   Yes! Finally. Home free! I quickly grabbed my keys from the hook by the front door before going towards the garage. Yes, the alarm would beep when I opened the garage door. And it would probably wake up mom. By the time mom realizes that I'm gone, it'll be too late and I'll be halfway into town. I can't believe I'm getting away with th- "Going somewhere?" A deep voice asked and I froze. Shit. Shit. Shit! I spoke too soon.  

   "Carlisle…" I mumbled looking at my step father. He was standing in the kitchen drinking his coffee. He probably just got home from a long shift and was probably on his way to work another. 

   "Good morning Alice, going somewhere?" He asked again and I noticed he didn't raise his voice. He was practically whispering actually. Why?  

   "Yeah, I was just going for a drive around town." I state and he smirked.  

   "By a drive around town, you mean you're going to see that Isabella girl you can't stop talking about. Right?" He asked and I sighed. He knows me too well. I set my keys down, disappointed in myself. He's the one thing I forgot to include in my perfect escape. How was I supposed to know he was going to be home right now? His schedule is hectic and he's rarely home most mornings. He tries to spend as much time as possible with us but his schedule doesn't allow it. 

   "I'll cover for you. I'll keep everyone busy and you have a good time. Try to be home by 10:00." He states looking at the clock. It was almost 6 o'clock. Four hours? He was giving me four hours by myself? I've never had that much time to myself. I hardly ever get alone time outside of the house.  

   "Really?" I asked and he nods.  

   "Yes, hurry before your mother wakes up. Go." He literally had to push me towards the garage. I was still in shock. He was just letting me go?! 

   "Thank you!" I exclaimed as quietly as possible. I leaned towards him, kissing his scuffled covered cheek before goininto the garage.  

   "You need a shave." I teased over my shoulder and he laughed. I opened the garage door, climbing into my bright yellow Porsche quickly.  

   "I can't believe this… I'm really out." I muttered to myself, staring at the slowly brightening sky. The sun was going to rise pretty soon… 

   The drive to the bakery was short, I went nearly thirty over the speed limit. It's okay because no one else was on the road. Why would anyone else be up right now? It's an early sunday morning. Almost everyone was sleeping in right now. Which is why I chose today to talk to Bella. The shop should be empty. I didn't want to distract her while she had other customers. This way I'll have Bella to myself for a while. That sounds amazing. Bella Swan, all to myself? Bella…. She's just… amazing. Smart, beautiful, funny. We're in the same history class. Art history and just hearing her talk about some of the topics…. She's like a walking history book.  

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