Chapter 4

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(Thomas's POV)
When I turn off me jeep Newt runs straight to the house leaving me. Why is he in such a hurry? When I get inside, he has a laptop on his lap and is siting on the couch.Lazy."It's only 9, can we watch some Netflix first?" He said while looking adorable, I can't even so no to him.Nodding a grab a blanket and sit down next to him but not to close. "Okay, but only if it's a horror movie" the look that crossed his face hurt my heart a little, does he not like horror? My thoughts were cut short by him agreeing.
We decide on Hostel, Newt got scared easily which I loved right now because he would get closer to me each time he jumped, by the end of the movie my arm was around him protectively."That wasn't so bad was it?" I ask already knowing the answer "Yes! Wait I mean no, no that was a great movie" "Okay Newtie, whatever you say." Newtie really Tomas where did that come from? "Newtie? Tommy I make the nicknames you just be cute enough to match them"
(Newt's POV)
Where is all my confidence coming from? He pulls me close, I'm almost sitting right on him "So what so you want to do now?" I ask hoping he doesn't say another movie. He answers immediately "kiss you" did I imagine that? No he is probably just joking "then do it" I say anyways. He slowly leans in and brushes his lips against mine then pulls back grinning "you bloody tease" I somehow don't stutter this time I lean in connecting our lips for a slow and sweet kiss, nothing like the dream I had. I'm instantly addicted to the taste and feel of his lips when he pulls away for air I feel a wave of lose wash over me. Worse then when he took his arms away. I look into his eyes, can someone really get lost in another persons eyes? My gaze scrolls down to his lips wanting them on my lips again, he must feel the same because he smashes his lips on mine, for a very different kiss. He licks my bottom lip asking for entry which I give instantly, our tongues fight for dominance until I give in. As we explore each others mouth's I run my hands down his chest.when we break apart for air he says "we should do something today" my heartbeat quickens and my cheeks turn a light shade of red, "l-like a date?" I ask hesitantly "Yes Newtie would you like to go on a date with me?" I don't want him thinking I'm to excited but I really am "yes I would love to go on a date Tommy, only if you stop calling me Newtie" "okay fine Newtie Cutie lets go"
(Thomas's POV)
"So where are we going?" I didn't tell him yet, things are better as a surprise. Luckily Newt just move here so he doesn't know where anything is, as a park the jeep on the side of a dirt road surrounded by trees he looks adorably confused "where are we" he says as we get out and I lead him into the tree line. "I told you it's a surprise, it's only another 5 minute walk until we are there" I intertwine our hands as we walk in comfortable silence.
Because the chapters are quite short I will most likely update again today
Please tell me if you think I'm rushing this story or if it's going really slow

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