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 Ally fixed the wii and handed me one of the wii remotes then turned it on I went to the mii channel and clicked the whistle icon and two miis came Eteled and cm of course he had to be there but another came in late he had stitches up his neck and legs he looked exactly like Kyle "hey Kyle isn't that your mii?" I asked Kyle snapping out of whatever he was thinking about "Yeah I think so" he responded a bit horrified his mii was walking I clicked the whistle icon again letting all the miis roam free I saw austin approaching Eteled "Don't touch him" I yelled I guess it alerted them all that we knew they where sentient miis "What happens if I do?" cm asked clearly none of them remembered our faces "CM DONT TOUCH ETELED" Kyle blurted out both Eteled and cm looked at us all with confused looks "how do you know our names you never hovered over us and we never told you!" CM yelled at us I sighed and picked up the wii remote off the nightstand I had put it on "if I show you something you'll know exactly who I am Eteled cm might not know immediately" I said and  went to wii sports clicked bowling and used Eteled as my player "don't throw the ball into another mii's face this time please" I said somewhat laughing and threw the ball.


"Nothing really happened I mean I don't know who you are still" Eteled said shrugging "Did cm give you enough therapy you forgot your last name Henry?" Kyle said snickering a bit "Kyle can you jog Eteled's memory the best you can I'm gonna take ally to the spare room she fell asleep" I asked Kyle "Eh sure" he responded I lifted ally up and bring her to the spare room by the time I set her on the spare room's bed my face was redder than a ripe tomato instead of mentally slapping myself I actually slapped myself "she's only here to help us you can't like her Sam" I mumbled and went to see Kyle and Eteled in a staring contest "what the hell is happening" I said "i challenged Kyle to a staring contest if he loses I get to kill his mii again Sam" Eteled said I couldn't tell if he remembered me or Kyle told him my name "Kay" I said sitting on the floor "BOO MOTHER FRICKER" cm yelled making Eteled blink "That doesn't count cm interfered" I said.

"How could you be so sure they forgot them both completely if they start regaining their memories our plan will be foiled ally" the grey void figure that resembled a mii asked me "I'll make sure they don't get very far spoon if they do I put a device in the wii to wipe any memory of Kyle and Sam"

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