I saw Sam trying to turn the wii on "Sam it isn't going to help if you press the power button rapidly you'll fry it to hell like you did the corruption device" I said wait but Sam never fried it but then why do I have memories that she did and I fixed it? Nevermind that I'm going in that wii to find out what happened "I'll be back don't know when though" I said bringing up a hologram of where I can travel and clicked sam's wii "Hey austin I kind of miss Sam I mean what if she just forgot about us?" I heard Eteled say I was in the shadows of the hallway so I stayed I could hear perfectly without being seen "no not really" I heard who I guess to be austin say he looked right at me though am I busted? "Hey who are you?" He asked approaching me at slightly fast pace I ran away I can't beat him in a fight the wii powered on and i went into my soul form but I made it look like a mii and hid under one of the beds he ran back to the mii channel I slowly followed behind him careful not to be seen "finally it's on" I heard Sam say I looked to see if the hologram had a screen option it did but it was to somehow explode the screen "what the fuck" I said I guess I said it a bit loud because that dude came running back in "WHICH ONE OF YOU JUST SAID WHAT THE FUCK" he yelled I stayed silent and my mii form wore off and I went into the mii channel and just hopped out of sam's tv "never going near that when it's on again." I said.
Spoon hopped out the wii two hours after she had entered it "what took you so long?" I asked but spoon just turned the wii off but it turned back on,off,on,off,on,off,on,off,on,off,on for 9 minutes till spoon gave up and Eteled and CM showed up on screen the mii channel had purple and grey light coming from any direction possible "Sam what's happening?" Eteled asked before a faint blue hand covered his mouth a glitched voice,more glitched that CMs spoke but at least put captions "Ɍ𝝚𝝖𝝙𝝭 ꓝ𝝤Ɍ 𝝩𝝜𝝚 S𝝜𝝤Ѡ?" it said seemingly waiting for a response "no" I said and it let go of Eteled "𝝤𝝟𝝖𝝭 𝝩𝝜𝝚𝝢 𝗖𝝤Ⳑ𝝚𝝡𝝖𝝢" it said it's words less glitched this time "S𝝤𝝤 ꓦ𝝜 Ɍ𝝚𝝖𝝙𝝭 𝝭𝝚𝝩?" it asked and I nodded yes and it grabbed Eteled again "𝝤𝝜 𝝭𝝤ꓦɌ 𝝚𝝖𝝩𝝞𝝢Ᏽ" it said grabbing CM and letting Eteled go "Let go of me before you get" CM was cut off by it "𝝚Ⳑ𝝚𝗖𝝩Ɍ𝝞𝗖𝝖Ⳑ S𝝜𝝤𝗖𝝟S? 𝝩𝝜𝝖𝝢𝝟S 𝝩𝝜𝝖𝝩'S 𝝡𝝭 ꓝ𝝤𝝤𝝙 𝝖ꓦS𝝩𝝞𝝢" it said the blue hand seemed to lull CM a little "Let me go now" I could see he was about to get the blue hand off of him but a snapping noise played confusing us all "𝝗𝝭𝝚 𝝗𝝭𝝚 S𝝖𝝡𝝡𝝭" it said and both CM and the hand disappeared "I have to call ally" I said and grabbed my phone "Ah shit 3%" I said but speed dialed ally "GET OVER HERE WITH SPOON AND KYLE WE NEED YOU ALL ASAP" I yelled into the phone and hung up.
"Okay why does she need us all?" Kyle asked I shrugged "beats me" ally said and we went up to her room "Sam you need us asap why?" Ally asked I flopped onto sam's bed but sat up pulling a hologram up "I accidentally left a virus in your wii let me kill it quickly" I said and everyone looked at me "SO THAT IS WHAT IS WAS?!" Sam screamed but I went in her wii I saw CM tied to a chair getting cats put on his head "What the heck" I said and he turned to me "Run while you can" CM said and I felt a cold hand go up my back for a moment "Blue you died like 59 years ago how did you come back?" I asked not turning around "Honestly I don't know but if you turn around I'm going berserk cause I can't control that" blue said "okay well I'm delete you go infect the Corrupted government in our universe or something just get outta this one or your gonna mess up this timeline too" I said "kk bye Cam see ya soon I guess!" Blue said and I deleted him."God damn it he's gonna do something that makes me have to see him soon isn't he" I said
Spoon hopped out of the wii "spoon come with me for second please" ally said and spoon went with her I followed quietly they where in the guest bedroom again? "I feel kinda bad for making them forget but I don't think the device has worked they almost have their full memories back spoon" ally said "Well I can always melt the wii so you can't have a choice but to activate it" spoon replied a small spark of fire coming from her hand "You choose Morris" spoon said "I don't want to choose either!" Ally said a bit loudly but spoon grabbed her by the shirt "I do so much and this is how you repay me?" Spoon said throwing ally to the ground in the process..
"You've been in a coma for 2 years miss Coleman" a lady in hospital scrubs said "No I haven't I know I haven't I can tell you about Camari!" I said "Who?" The lady said puzzled "Uh do you have a Ally Morris in any data base?" I asked and the lady checked "No" she said was it all just a dream..?
The return
RandomSam goes back to school from mourning the loss of her best friend Eteled when she goes back to school she meets a relative of Eteled another Morris...