Chapter 75

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Third Person's P. O. V:

Kimiko sits next to her sister while their parents have finished telling them even more stories of their childhoods, when suddenly, Kimiko's body begins to glow and float off of the log.

"Wh-What's happening?!" Kimiko exclaims, gazing around in confusion.

Mika smiles as she grabs Kimiko's hands and tells her, "It's like I said: now is not your time, sweetheart. You're going back. To your friends."

"B-But I wanna stay with you!" Kimiko pleads, tears pricking her eyes. "There's so much... so much more I want to talk to you about..."

Hitoshi smiles as he says, "Don't worry, darling. You're needed in the land of the living. There are so many people that depend on you. You need to return to them. Just know that we will always love you and be in your heart."

"I love you always, father, Touka-chan, mother!" Kimiko cries before she's pulled free of Mika's grasp.

Mika, Hitoshi, and Touka smile warmly even as tears linger in her own purple eyes, as they watch Kimiko vanish from the world of souls.


Kiba continues to hold the Sumire Princess in his arms as she remains unconscious, tears streaking down his face.

Kimiko's eyes begin to flutter open and confusion washes over her for a moment. The first thing Kimiko sees is Kiba hanging his head while crying uncontrollably, his arms gripping her tightly.

"K-Kiba?" Kimiko stutters, causing Kiba to look down wit a startled gasp. "Heeeyy."

Kiba utters her name. "Kimiko-chan! You're alive!"

"No! I'm a ghost come back to haunt you!" She says jokingly, flickering her purple eyes to the Inuzuka and Tsume behind him, causing them both to laugh.

Kiba hugs Kimiko fiercely before pulling back. "I'm so relieved you're back," He says before they exchange a deep kiss that nearly makes Kimiko melt. Kiba pulls back and gazes down at Kimiko with a wide, tearful smile. She smiles back while caressing his cheek.

"Heh. It's great to have you back, kid," Tsume says, smirking.

"Daddy!" Kimiko turns her head to see Ace starting to get up, only to fall back down due to his daughter pouncing on him. Kyou is laughing while crying tears of joy, the other cubs and wolves gasping happily as Shin wakes up as well, and they notice Kimiko is awake in Kiba's arms.

"Kyou-chan," Ace murmurs, before he hugs her back. He pulls back as Arielle goes up to him with a smile. They both rub each other's heads before Arielle licks Ace's cheek. They then gaze at each other, the female's eyes half lidded.

Kimiko's eyes widen as Satoru, Takara and Luna pounce on her. "Oof. Guys, I'm alright! I'm happy to see you too."

"I thought we'd never see you again!" Luna cries, burying her face in Kimiko's shoulder.

"Yeah. We all thought you were dead," Takara adds. "But it's great to have you back, Kimi-chan-sama!"

Akamaru comes over and barks happily, eyes brightening at the sight of his friend now awake.

"I'm happy to see you too, Akamaru," The Sumire says, stroking his head. He then proceeds to lick her, making the blonde giggle.

Kiba then helps Kimiko to her feet and they share another embrace. "So, what happened while I was... you know? Dead?" Kimiko asks.

"Well..." Kiba trails off before he proceeds to tell her what happened.

"I can't believe that after all these years, Hinata-chan finally confessed... and I was dead through it all!" Kimiko mumbles gloomily when Kiba finishes, a sad aura around her. But then she smiles up at her boyfriend. "But I'm glad Fang and the others got to her in time to save Hinata-chan."

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