BestFriends are Forever

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These days were all the same. Day after day all the same, but not this day this day was different. Everyday one of her friends were sad at least once a week. Last week it was Autumn, because her dog ran away. Next week it was Brooklyn because she broke her phone. Never ending disappointment, but this week was different she was happy and her friends were too.

Today she was determined to make it a good day. She went to first period no problem! Second period boring as always, but today she got to read her friend Angel's book, that made her feel better! Third we had to do a study guide not that big of a deal Autumn and Zoie were there to help her! She is about to go to fourth. So this day was going pretty good, and then something happened..

She was walking down the hall just got her stuff out of her locker and then a fight broke out. One of them stepped on her foot. She got into science (4th period) and told Brayden what had happened Brayden asked, of course, who won? She said"are you serious I just got stepped on!" "Technically," Brayden said, "your foot just got stepped on!"


So this is my first book. Tell me what y'all think!☺

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