Chapter Two

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brr...brr...beep...beep...The blaring of my alarm awoke me once more to create another opening for me to be miserable. I roll over gently tumbling off my bed to greet the morning. I inhale, taking in the sweet smell of absolutely nothing. "Alexa! Play TGIF by PH-1." I bat my eyes pleading as if the device could see. Shaking my ass, I slowly get dressed. Picking out my screwed-up clothes around my room from the tantrum the day before was always a tiring task but we must take responsibly for our actions. I hum along to the song making my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth and fix my hair. I think we all experience insecurity about ourselves but when I look in the mirror in the morning, I feel bad for my brain. No one should ever have to be forced to look at such an ugly troll so early into their day yet here I am having nothing to blame but genetics and my poor sleep schedule.

"mmh mmh thank god I'm famous huuuh...break up!" I mumble as I make my way downstairs. There was only one way to motivate myself into getting ready for the day and that was music. Hence the sudden break out in song I often partake in. Real life musical here. In the flesh.
Landing myself at the kitchen counter, I pour myself some cereal. My parents already seem to have gone to work but my brother was still here. He was making some toast which always turned out burnt. For some reason, he preferred his toast to be pitch black rather than soft golden brown which often leads me to believe he was adopted...Or I was.
"Soobin." I say to acknowledge the existence of the little shit.
He turns around to look at me just to reply, "Mari."
I dunk my spoon into my cereal to quickly devour the already soggy coco pops although I had only just put the milk in. I huff at how sickening the texture was and gave up eating.

Instead, I decided to go on my phone, opening apps like Instagram and TikTok then changing my mind. Finally deciding to check the bus app I find that we were behind schedule. "Let's go Sboobs. The app says the bus is going to be early." I heckle. Grabbing my bag and ID, I started slipping on my shoes. "CHOI SOOBIN IF YOU DONT HURRY YOUR ASS UP SOMEONE IS GETTING LEFT BEHIND." I scream, which is quickly followed by the pitter-patter of my brother's feet, scrambling himself to the door. As grabs his stuff with a piece of marmalade toast in his mouth, he muffles out, "Don't have to shout." Toast dust flying at my face as he ran out the door in front of me. We quickly march to the bus stop, only now I was regretting my outfit choice as the cold air clings to me. I was lucky the bus arrived a moment later with a body of warm air inside.

Me and my brother attend the same college...oh right I might have forgotten to mention- we're twins. I had to share a womb with that bumbling imbecile. To make matter worse our courses were on the same campus as he takes sports studies, and I was a computer science major. For as long as I can remember he's been surrounded by different sports and after going to college he wanted to join the basketball team.

The 30-minute bus journey came to an end, and I was once again greeted by the tall college building. Yeah, first wrong decision of the day was taking the stairs. What was I thinking when I decided to walk up 10 flights of stairs? After counting the 50-step mark, I was already feeling my lungs reject the air I was intaking. By the 100-step mark I was panting like my throat was a dog begging for water. I walked in and over to my seat to greet my CS bestie.

"Hana! Darling, please tell me your morning has been just as bad as mine." I plead to her beautiful face. Hana and I had met at orientation and immediately clicked. I was sad her initials weren't CBG but never mind. Hana was this stunning girl who attracted every single organism on this planet with not just her looks but her brain too.

She purses her lips in thought before turning to me and saying, "It's pretty average. Though I do have something entirely exciting I conjured up on the weekend!" This piqued my interest, I'm always up for some mischievous fun. I raised my hand to rest my head on my palm before letting her continue.
"Word is my crush has started using the colleges cafeteria so I'm going to take the chance to lay my eyes on him...So we're eating at the cafeteria."
Allowing her to lay out her plan was the second mistake I made today. The cafeteria? Its main dish is normally regret with a side dish of self-pity. Who in their right mind would eat such a grievous meal? "I think the meal is only like £1.80 so it'll save us money." Hana interjects my thoughts. Now she had me on board.
As a jobless college student, I replied, "Cheap!! I'd slam any unearthly taste for that price. Tesco's never thinks about my wallet when I buy meal deals." Hana slaps my back in agreement before chuckling away to herself.

Lunch time came around and here we were sitting at a little round table with our cheap but far from appealing meal. "It's not too late to change-" I start but as always Hana squeaks interrupts me,
"HIM- he's right there. Omg kdndjdkdnKAKAKAK." I raise my eyebrow before turning to where her spoon pointed.
"Soobin?" I chuckle in confusion.
"The guy you like is...Choi Soobin?" I continue with a smile. Hana blushes deeply stuffing a spoon of potato in her mouth.
"My soul mates initials are CSB it makes total sense, right?!??" She desperately lets out. I tilt my head. I understand her logic but Soobin and her are complete opposites. My brother? In a relationship? pfft maybe with a basketball. As if he could hear my thoughts, my brother looks over to my table and begins to make his way over here.
"I've never seen you eat here Madster. Knowing you, you're not here for the food." he scoffs as he takes a quick glance at Hana before turning back to me.
"Could say the same for you. Why are you eating here when you personally prefer mum's cooking?" I retorted. It was obvious why he was here. Mum normally cooked his lunch because he's always been a picky eater but since our mum went on that business trip, he hasn't had any home packed meals. Talk about privileged.
"Am I missing something do you two know each other?" Hana questions. Soobin entangles his arm around my shoulder as he points to our faces changing direction at random intervals.
"we're siblings!" he beams. I shove him off pretending to gag at the sight of him.
"Soobin, are you done?!" one of Soobin's friend's calls out, which turns all our attention to him.
"yeah I'm coming Beomgyu." Soobin shouts back as he walked away from us. My gaze stayed on Soobin's friend. Watching his brown hair bounce around while he swaggered to the lunch line. He must be a sports student as his frame was so muscular, but I must say he was quite enticing. What was his name? Beomgyu? Who names their kid Beom-

My attention snapped back to Hana who was waving her slender hands in front of my face with a look of displeasure on her face. Or was it embarrassment? A hint a pink entered her cheeks as she looked at me with puppy dog eyes.
"When were you going to explain Soobin was your brother?" She whimpered. I let out a slight chuckle to which she gasped. "DOES THIS MEAN I LIKE OLDER MEN?!" she exclaims. I couldn't hold my laughter any longer and started cackling, which turned the entire cafeteria's heads to our table. Holding onto my stomach as my shoulder jiggled along with my laughter, I tried to form a sentence between my giggles.
I managed to stifle out a slight cackle, "He's- He's my twin." Her fearful face turned bright as she started laughing with me. I wasn't quite sure why she was so terrified, but it was quite funny to see her shocked. We laughed about it the whole day.

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