Chapter Three

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My brother had basketball try outs the next day so after learning he was my brother Hana made me find every excuse to go watch him. I was exhausted but here we were on the bleachers in the sports hall along with every other girl that was free this afternoon. They screamed at everything, even the wiping of sweat and drinking of water. I was already quite sure my brother would make the team, so I had no worries compared to Hana. She was fiddling with her hands, quietly whispering to herself prayers. I launched my arm over her shoulder whispering into her ear, "He's been playing basketball since he was a kid there's no way he's not making the team." In which she exhaled her trapped air.

Hana was a funny girl. She hadn't ever had a real conversation with Soobin and here she was worrying about his hobbies. I decided this was my job in life. To be Hana's cupid. "If his team wins, I'll introduce you two." I proposed. Her head swung round to meet mine with determination on her face. Clenching her fist, she started cheering for Soobin; fumbling her chants as she started laughing.

While the games ran, I recognised one of the boys on my brother's team. That guy from lunch. Bom Yu?
"BEOMGYU PASS!" Soobin shouts. Oh. Beomgyu. Close enough. He was fast, faster than my brother. In fact, he was a better player than my brother. He'd jump so high I thought he was flying. I've never been so fascinated by someone before. I guess I'll ask Soobin about him later. For research.

The hall erupts in cheers as Beomgyu scores the winning hoop. Hana turns to me cackling, "HA, you have introduced us now!" She jumps around the bench beaming a wide smile. I sarcastically face palm before standing up and walking down the steps.

"Soobin!" I call out grabbing my brother's attention, who was chugging his water bottle. He goes to give me a high five, but I retract myself saying, "Ew no, you stink." Waffling my hands in front of my nose. I grab Hana, who was hiding behind my back, into the spotlight. "This is my best friend, Hana. Hana, this is my brother, Soobin. Say hi." I introduce and they awkwardly greet each other. I deeply sigh pinching my nose bridge. As if my sigh was heard from the heavens my brother starts, "Oh you were the one girl who was squealing for me. On the bench, right?" Hana goes deep red and starts spilling her words out in sounds. She rubs her neck, something she often does when she's extremely nervous. "Uh yeah you're my bestie's brother...Of course I got to cheer you on." She finally gets out. They both smile at each other with slight rosy cheeks. It seems my job is going to be one hell of a task.

Just then someone walks behind Soobin, placing their hand on his back. Soobin, shocked, turns to them before explaining to us, "Ah! This is Beomgyu. My friend." We look over to the new conversation member and I'm met with a stunning sweaty salmon mess. We wave are little hands to greet him. He looks at us in confusion, slowly waving back. "This is Hana and my older sister Mari." Soobin says as he points at us when he says our name. I scoff at the obvious jab to make me sound old. I turn to Beomgyu who was looking at me already. Taking a back, I struggle to say, "By 1 minute 40 seconds. I'm only older by 1 minute and 40 seconds." Beomgyu lets out a shy chuckle.

This encounter was so entirely embarrassing that I'm regretting it, but the mood lightens when Soobin proposes, "After we shower, let's get celebratory desserts. On me." As if in sync, Hana and I look at each other. We knew exactly what this meant. Free food.

Joined by 3 other of Sogyu's friends who had also been watching or playing, we entered the dessert parlour. We crammed ourselves into a booth and to my surprise, it was far less awkward than just the four of us. The boys all comfortably conversed as me and Hana watched. Hana, who insisted on sitting next to my brother, was on one side of me and the other was a boy who I learned was called Heuning Kai or more commonly called "Hyuka" or "Ning kai" depending on who he was conversing with. The two others called Taehyun and Yeonjun sat themselves either side of Beomgyu, which made me realise how little I had understood him. My ears missed the days where I did not have to hear them endlessly bicker or laugh like a group of geese. It was like they had a competition with each other on who could annoy the other the most. Without realising, I was smiling. Hana and Soobin were giggling between themselves and those three were having the time of their life so I decided I would make conversation with the poor guy who decided to sit next to me.

"Is it okay if I call you Ning?" I ask him. He looks over to me with a spoon full of ice cream in his mouth. He starts swallowing quickly so he can answer but a brain freeze hits him. Squirming, he verbalises his pain and I can't help but laugh. He nods yes to my question before releasing an 'Ah'.
"You can call me anything if I can call you Rin?" he proposes to which I nod in agreement. His eyes land on my half-eaten cheesecake looking between me and the cheesecake. "Can I have a bit?" he pleads lips pouting and all. I smile as I push the plate closer to him.

I look up and my eyes land on him staring at me. I smile before trailing my eyes away still aware of his staring.

"I'll go pay. You guys start heading to the bus stop." Soobin explains. I follow him to the till and hand him my card. I can't expect him to pay for 7 people's desserts. "It's fine Mari. I'm using dad's card." Soobin says as he pushes my card away. "Won't he realise?" I ask worried since our dad is very strict on our financial decisions. Soobin ruffles my hair before replying, "He won't notice a missing £35. Plus, I can just explain later if he asks." After he paid, I silently followed him back to the group. Conjoining myself with Hana, we walk to the bus stop.

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