Cuddling and fake dating

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--------- Time skip ------------

"BLOODY HELL HARRY" Harry was awoken by a familiar voice yelling at him. He instinctively cuddled closer to Draco, who himself held him closer as well.

Harry slowly opened his eyes just to be met by Ron's angry ones.

Harry just closed his eyes again, hoping it was all just a dream.

"Mate, wake up!" Ron yelled again, making Harry look back at him tiredly.

"What do you want Ron?"

"You've been streaming all night, AND you're suddenly sleeping with Draco? When did this all happen?"

"I didn't end the stream?"

"THAT'S YOUR BIGGEST CONCERN?!" Ron asked bewildered.

"Well, yeah."

"We're just cuddling, get over it Weasley." Draco grumbled sleepily.

"How am I supposed to just be ok with my best friend 'cuddling' with our enemy out of the blue?!"

"Just like I'm supposed to be ok with Hermione and Fred dating 'out of the blue'" Harry answered annoyed.

"Well- Wait, Fred and 'Mione? Since when?" Ron asked confused.

"Christmas break apparently." Draco shimed in as he sat up.


"I didn't have much choice; he was there for me when I found out yesterday."

"Well, tell me next time, ok? I'm sorry, I know how much you liked him."

"I will, thanks."

------- Time skip bc I can ---------

Two days later the storm had ended however the dungeons had frozen shut and they we're still trying to figure out how to fix it, so the room arrangements continued as told for the time being.

If Harry was being completely honest, he didn't mind sharing a room with Draco anymore. Not that he would ever let him know that though.

Harry was walking down the hall to get to his next class when he bumped into someone. More specifically Fred Weasley.

Harry tried to get away, but Fred wouldn't let him.

"Harry please, I just want to talk to you."

"I have to get to potions; you know how Snape is." Harry excused but Fred was having none of it.

"Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about our relationship. We were afraid something like this would happen."

"It's fine. I don't even think about it anymore." Harry flat out lied.

"Really? Then why won't you talk to either of us? Ron's pissed at me."

"Well, I can't speak for Ron, but I've just been super busy lately." Harry answered wishing he could just get away from there as soon as possible.

"Alright, and uh there's just one more thing Harry..." Fred seemed nervous as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Harry just stared frozen at him.

"So, Ro- Someone mentioned something about you liking someone and maybe that was why you acted that way... like they didn't mention name, but I just have to ask..."

Harry held his breath as he braced himself for the worst.

"Do you like Hermione?" Fred asked awkwardly.

"Wha- no, no I definitely don't like her like that Fred, it's just-" Harry tried to explain.

"He likes me." Draco interrupted from behind Fred.

Fred turned around wondering how the hell he got there so fast.

"He what?" and, "I what?" They said unanimously before Draco shot a smirk at Harry.

"Oh, haven't you heard? We're dating. Boyfriends. Lovers-"

"I get it." Fred interrupted, "I just didn't expect it is all." Fred sighed before looking over at Harry.

"Good, now if I want my boyfriend to continue being the boy who lived, I better get us to potions in like minus 2 minutes so sod off will ya?" Draco snarked to Fred.

Fred sighed before muttering a goodbye and left for his own class.

"Finally, I thought he'd never leave." Draco smiled.

"Draco- uhm, thanks for saving me, I guess? But like, why did you lie about that, I don't like you, well I like you just not like that, But like-"

"Harry, chill. I know you don't like me like that, yet. Anyway, I figured the best way to get that little crush of yours to get jealous is by being in a relationship and honestly it would piss the Weasley's off which I'm always up for." Draco explained amusedly.

Harry was sure he looked like a bright red tomato. He couldn't understand why Draco would do something like this for him. Also, it definitely went against Harry's carefully constructed plan on removing the treacherous crush he had on the blonde. However, he found himself replaying.

"Alright, let's do this."

"Oh, you think you had a choice? How adorable." Draco smirked to himself before finally leading him to their potions class.

--------- Time skip number 4867 -----------


let me know if you want more (:

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2022 ⏰

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