Sans First Day

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They realized Sans fatal flaw rather quickly when Sans didn't come downstairs the next morning. "Eh... where's that lil skeleton guy?" Charlie shrugged. "Still sleeping." Alastor replied. "What did you do." Vaggie accused immediately. Alastor's eyes went half lidded. "Nothing.... yet." So minutes ticked into hours as the others went about their day, waiting for the lazy skeleton to wake up. When three pm hit, only then did Sans totter down into the lobby. Their stairs were unimpressed, but Sans didn't really care. He smiled and waved with a casual "good morning." Vaggie tapped her foot. "That would be valid if it was morning." Sans glanced at the grandfather clock. "oops i did it again... sorry about that, i have a tendency to sleep in if someone doesn't wake me up." His grin shifted into something more apologetic. Vaggie eased up a tad since Sans seemed to have a history of sloth. "i don't think we've met yet. i'm sans. sans the skeleton." The spider eyed Sans up and down. "What were ya burned to death or something?" The spider replied. Sans gave him a confused look before remembering that monsters usually don't have an afterlife. They thought he was a dead human. "let's go with 'or something.'"


Sans sat on a barstool across from 'Husk' as they called him. The avian feline only offered a drink once, which Sans shot down immediately. He could feel Alastor watching him, planning something. Sans didn't particularly like the fact that he was the target of Alastor's plans, but it wasn't like he couldn't handle himself. He still had his magic, he'd tested it out the night before, but they didn't know that and for now, he wanted to keep it that way. Sans slipped off the stool, bored. Maybe there something she could get a lazy bones like him to do. "Oh hello Sans!" The Princess chirped turning away from Vaggie and whatever they were discussing. "hey, just wondering if maybe ya had something for me do?" Her eyes widened as if nobody had ever offered before. "Yes actually! I need someone to go shopping for the welcome party!" Sans quirked a brow. "welcome... party..?"
"Yours of course! To welcome you, as our first official guest, to the hotel!" Charlie cheered. "oh, you really don't have too.." Sans hated parties. Too much stimulus. He wasn't going to let them know that though.


"why are you following me?" The Radio Demon looked to the Skeleton... demon(?) Was Sans considered a demon now? "To guide you around the city, of course." Sans rolled his eyelights. "and?" Alastor tilted his head. "You believe I have an ulterior motive?" Sans merely shrugged. "So how did someone like yourself end up down here anyway?" Alastor inquired. In his minds eye, Sans could see the the thousands of times he murdered the kid in multiple different ways. "reasons." Was the only answer he gave the Wendigo. "What sort of reasons?" Alastor pushed. Sans shrugged again, serving to both annoy and excite the cannibalistic demon. "I do quite enjoy a challenge. Let's make a game of it, shall we?" Sans ignored Alastor. He was sick of games and he certainly wasn't making any deals. In fact, he was looking for a place to take a shortcut and escape. "If I win, you will obey me. If you win, I'll leave you alone. Do we have a deal?" Sans looked back at Alastor with a grin, he could feel Alastor's magic stirring. "nope." He slipped into an alleyway and disappeared, leaving Alastor alone and confused as to where he went.

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