The Great Grandparents of Lady Victoria Elizabeth Howard Part I

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Lord Andrew Charles Howard is the youngest son of Lord Charles Andrew Howard, fourth Duke of Norfolk Territory and Lady Patricia Eugenie Stuart, the daughter of Lord Alexander Stuart, Duke of Lennox Territory on Star Base 12.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard was the fifth child and third son of Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR and Lady Patricia Eugenie Stuart and he was born out Norfolk Estate. 

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR had only been Duke of Norfolk Territory for 10 years when Lord Andrew Charles Howard was born, and when he was 6 months old his eldest brother was married to Lady Victoria Charlotte Stanhope.

One by one his father married off his brothers and sisters until he was the only one at home and his mother pampered him and always gave him his way since he was the last of her five children were born .

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR expected one of his two older sons to give him a grandchild, but as the  years went by neither Lord Charles Andrew Howard III nor Lord Patrick William Howard II and their wives had a child.

Lord Charles Andrew JR asked his grandnephew, Lord David William Beck what could be the matter as to why neither of his two older sons and their wives hadn't produce one child between them and Lord David William Beck looks at his grand-uncle and explains, "It's a matter of timing   Lord Charles Andrew JR." 

"What Lord Charles Andrew III has been married since 2251 and Lord Patrick William II has been married since 2275." Lord Charles Andrew JR explains.

"Lord Charles Andrew JR. I have tested them and both of your sons are fertile." Lord David William Beck explains, " It think it is just a matter of timing and I know some couples that are fertile but their timing is off.""

"Lord Charles Andrew Howard III is now  40 years old and Lord Patrick William III is close to 30 years old, and I had Lord Charles Andrew III when I was not even 21 years old,  I had Lady Patricia Charlene when I was 26 years old, Lord Patrick William II when I was 31, and Lady Charlotte Augusta when I was 36 years old and Lord Andrew Charles when I was 41 years old." Lord Charles Andrew JR states.

"Lady Victoria Charlotte is 38 years old and Lady Pauline Charlene is 28 years old and no grandchild yet." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells Lord David William Beck.

"Uncle Lord Charles Andrew JR. I can't explain any medical reason why your daughters in laws haven't had any children. Are you sure that your sons are copulating with their wives." Lord David William asks.

"I only surmise that they are. What am I  supposed to ask my sons if they are intimate with their wives? " Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR asks.

"It might not hurt to inquire if they are or if they are not." Lord David William tells him.


The year is 2270, Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR  summons his youngest son, Lord Andrew Charles to the drawing room and when Lord Andrew Charles enters he bows to his father and mother,  and Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR looks at his youngest son and he tells him " I have to start to look for a bride for you, Lord Andrew Charles." 

Lord Andrew Charles looks at his father " I thought we have been through this before father. I won't marry any woman that I don't love and I refuse to consummate my marriage with her and if I don't then I can obtain annulment." Lord Andrew Charles tells his father.

"Lord Andrew Charles. My father told me that people like ourselves rarely marry for love and we marry for other reasons." Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR explains.

"I am not like other people and my grandfather is turning in his grave." Lord Andrew Charles tells his father. 

"What does people like us mean, father?" Lord Andrew Charles asks.

Lady Victoria Elizabeth Howard 3rd Duchess of Norfolk TerritoryWhere stories live. Discover now