Cursed Object: Ryomen Sukuna Part 2

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Eren stood there, starting at the mummified finger at his feet. It was horrible; mutated, with black nails, skin a color he couldn't quite describe. The energy radiating off of it was now even stronger than it had been when it was contained in the little box. It was so intense, Eren was getting nauseous just being next to it.

The boss cleared his throat, snapping Eren back to reality. After composing himself, He picked up the finger and placed it back in the box.

"Okay, so now what? Ya got your finger, now ya gotta hold up your and of the deal." the boss said impatiently.

"Oh? Whatever do you mean?" Eren asked, shoving his hands in his pockets. He knew full well what the man wanted, he just wanted him to say it out loud.

"I mean money." the boss growled. "Ya said that ya would buy that ungodly thing from us, so we want to get what we were promised."

"Hmm. I have a question for you. Do you know what my Cursed Technique is?" asked Eren, giving the boss a sidelong glance.

"Huh? What're'ya on about?! No, 'course I don't!" yelled the boss.

"My Technique is called 'the Founder'." Eren said, keeping his voice level. "It allows me to see the actions of Curses and Eldians lower than Special Grade ten seconds into the future. Did you know that when I refuse to pay you your money, you'll have your henchman here point his gun at my head?"

And that was precisely what happened. When Eren mentioned that he wouldn't pay the money, the boss gestured for the other man to raise the gun to Eren's head. They stood like that for a few seconds. Then the gunman realized what happened.

"What the- how did you...?" the gunman sputtered. The boss was equally dumbstruck.

"I told you." Eren said, amused. It never got old watching people try to wrap their minds around him giving accurate predictions. "Did you also know that I can also influence the thoughts and minds of Curses and Eldians. My cursed energy doesn't flow in a certain direction unless I put all my concentration into it. Think of it as putting a cup under a small waterfall. It quickly fills up and then overflows. When I concentrate, I can make it into more of a stream, but it doesn't stop it from pouring out in other directions every once and a while."

"So what're ya saying?" asked the boss. Eren looked at him.

"Sorry. Guess I went off on a tangent. What I was trying to say is that if I wanted to, I could control the actions of you and your gunman. Do you know why I don't?"

"W-why?" the gunman asked tentatively.

"Because I hate people who steal away others free will. If I did that, I'd become the very thing I've sworn to destroy." Eren said.

"So, you won't use the one thing that could save your hide? I guess the great Eren Jeager isn't as dangerous as everyone thinks. Michael, shoot him." the boss ordered. The gunman, Michael, raised his gun to Eren's head, then pointed it at the boss.

"Huh?! Whaddya think your doing?! Michael!" the boss screamed.

"Interesting last words." Eren said, glaring at the unfolding scene. The gunman didn't say anything, instead letting the gunshot speak for him. The boss feel backwards. Micheal let his arm hang for a second, before putting it to his head and shooting himself. His body crumpled a split second after the bang.

"Just cause I don't control others doesn't mean I won't of push comes to shove. This is really all your fault." Eren said, walking out of the warehouse. When he stepped out, he was met with the sight of Eugen running over.

"Sir! Are you alright? Why were there gunshots?" Eugen asked, slightly out of breath.

Eren walked past him. "Make that look like an accident." He growled.

"Y-yes sir."

*Timeskip brought to you by a yummy Sukuna finger.*

Back on the Island of Paradis
Mikasa POV

My head hurts.

I woke up with massive headache. I felt as though someone put my brain into a glass jar and started shaking it as hard and fast as humanly possible. I could hardly sit upright, but it hurt even more to lay down. I sighed. What a predicament.

There was a knock on my door. I heard Armin's voice on the other side.

"Hey, Mikasa. Are you up yet?" he asked.

"Yeah, I just got up." I groaned.

"Do you have another headache?"

I paused. "Yes."

"May I come in?"


The blond boy poked his head through the door. I stared at him.

"Sorry, just making sure you're decent." Armin said, with an embarrassed grin tugging on the corners of his mouth. I couldn't return it. He cleared his throat and entered the room.

"You should see a doctor about those headaches you keep getting. It's unnatural." Armin said, hints of worry in his voice.

"Armin, why are you here?" I asked.

"Why are any of us here?" He wondered, a smile forming on his lips. He seemed to be in a good mood today.

"I meant, why are you in my room." I was starting to get a bit irked at him. His smile vanished, and he sighed.

"Captain Levi and Hange requested that everyone meet in the conference room at noon." Armin said, relaying the message.

"Ok, but that doesn't answer my question." I said.

He sighed again. "It's noon. You overslept."

"Oh." We stood there awkwardly for a minute.

"Well, I'll leave and let you get dressed." He said, opening the door. He stepped out and closed it. I heard the sounds of his footsteps fade away. I sat on my bed for a minute, then realized I'm probably already on trouble for oversleeping, so I hurried and got dressed.

I left my bedroom and made my way towards the conference room.

A/N: Phew. The third part is finished. Sorry it took so long. I wanted to get it out by Halloween, but last week was the end of Quarter One at my school, so I had to do a lot of work. And I would've wrote over the weekend, but there was a birthday and Halloween going on, and I was busy reading fanfiction about Sasuke and Accelerator. So I apologise.

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