Interlude in Paradis

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A/N: Trigger warning! Self-harm is present in this chapter. Starts at 'Back on Marley' and ends at the Timeskip.

I entered the conference room. Everyone was already in their seats, and all eyes were on me when I opened the door. I walked quickly to my seat, head down, face slightly flushed. As I sat down, Captain Levi made a 'tch' noise.

"Thank you for joining us Mikasa." Historia said sweetly. She turned to the man on her left: Darius Zackly. "If you'd be so kind as to repeat everything that you've told us so Mikasa can hear it. I feel her opinion on the subject would heavily influence the outcome."

Zackly nodded. "Certainly. As you all know, Eren Jeager has fled the island. This happened about five days ago. I have asked Dot Pixis, Nile Dok, and Hange Zoë, as leaders of their respective branch of our islands military to mull over their thoughts on what should be done. At this meeting today, they will be sharing these thoughts with us."

At these words, I tensed up. What if they voted to eliminate Eren? I pushed the thought aside; I didn't want to think about that, plus it would be highly out of character for Hange. They were a scientist by nature, and they'd never let a specimen as fascinating as Eren die so easily.

The commander of the MP's, Nile Dok, stood up. He cleared his throat. "We believe that we should recover Eren Jeager, and then execute him."

This sparked varied reactions. There was murmurs of approval from the older people in the room; the grim science of the Survey Corps.; and me shooting upright and on my feet within seconds.

"What are you talking about?! How could we kill him?!" I asked, shouting.

"Hey, brat." said Levi, warning evident in his voice. "Sit down. We've still got the rest of the meeting to get through. I don't need you making this any longer than it needs to be."

"...I'm sorry, sir." I sat down, looking at the table.

"Nile, maybe Miss Ackerman would be more understanding of your case of you provided if with reasons to why you've come to that conclusion." said Zackly, adjusting his glasses.

"Certainly. As we are all aware, Eren Jeager was imprisoned for being suspected of planning a coup d'etat. Over the past four years he seemed to be gaining supporters who shared his anti-Marley mindset. We received an anonymous tip that Eren Jeager was planning a revolution, and took him into custody to be questioned. Since then, he has not spoken a word to anyone, and none of his followers have told us anything." He paused and looked in the direction of where the members of they Survey Corps. sat.

"Nearly all of his supporters have been members of the Corps., with a soldier by the name of Floch Forster acting as his right-hand man. When Eren Jeager left the island, he took twenty captured Marleyans with him, along with some supporters who had not been arrested. Obviously, his intentions are against Marley, and therefore, this gives Marley a reason to believe that it is all of us on the island who issued the attack. There is no chance they'd listen to us even if we told them Eren Jeager was acting alone. Paradis would be done for."

The older members of the meeting agreed with him.

"If Marley launches a full scale invasion, we'll be annihilated."

"And it'll all be that Jeager brats fault."

Their mumbling was just more about how the island was doomed, and how they could lose their precious rich person houses. I couldn't believe them. They support Eren for years because it's saving them from losing any money due to curse related tragedies, and more that their estates are in danger, it's off with his head?

"Silence, please. Commander Pixis, what are you're thoughts?" asked Zackly, looking at the leader of the Garrison. Dot Pixis stood up.

"Well, I knew Eren Jeager since the whole incident in Trost. I've always supported him, through thick and thin. No matter how many comrades we've had to sacrifice to rescue him every time he was captured, I've always supported him. Taking this into consideration, I've decided to remain impartial. I will support which ever side our queen picks. If Eren it's condemned to the gallows, so be it. If not, then that's just dandy." said Pixis. He sat down.

"Thank you, Dot. Hange Zoë, what do the Survey Corps. wish to do?"

Hange stood up. I held my breath.

"If we let Eren go through with this, we will all perish."

There was mumbling thought the entire room. Historia's eyes widened. Jean and Connie looked at each other. Armin's mouth was agape.

"But if he dies, we lose the one person who can save us from that fate. As long as Eren lives, we live. Levi and I discussed this, and we decided that we have to retrieve Eren at all costs."

I breathed a sigh of relief.

Hange continued. "I am not saying he should go unpunished. He has committed an act of treason by betraying this nation. But Eren is our most valuable asset, our trump card, and if we lose that, a genocide will occur on our islands. That is all." They sat down.

"Thank you, Hange. Now, we will be taking a short break so Queen Historia can come to a decision. For the time being, this meeting is adjourned." announced Zackly.

*Timeskip brought to you by pouting Chibi Mikasa*

Back on Marley:

Eren was jittery. His breath was increasing rapidly. The knife in his hand seemed to be waiting for use, gleaming with killing intent, waiting for blood to spill. It was a weapon, created by Death itself, its sole purpose for slicing people into ribbons.

"Sir, please, you don't need to do this." Eugen begged.

"Quiet." Eren growled. "This is hard enough without you trying to talk me out of it. I've made up my mind." He took the knife and placed it on his left leg.

"Sir..." Eugen said softly. Eren shot him a quick glare, before focusing on the knife on his leg.

"Moser, put the rag in my mouth. It'll muffle the sound."

"...Yes sir." Eugen said, knowing he was defeated. He did as told. The rag tasted horrible. Eren's breath started increasing once more, become heaves quickly. He sounded like a mad dog. His arms shook, and after twelve more heaves, he pushed as hard as possible on the knife.

The pain was unimaginable, indescribable. He screamed and screamed, the sound muffled by the rag. Trying his best not to black out, he looked at his leg. The knife was only halfway through his leg, and blood was spilling out faster than he would have preferred. He tried to steady his breathing as best as he could, and pushed the knife down father. Blood spurted out of the open wound. It hurt even more the second time. After pushing down a little more, his leg finally severed. It rolled on its side, the boot he was wearing making a thunk as it hit the floor.

"Gyah. Ha. Ha. Haha. Hahaha. GYAHAHAHAHAHA!" Eren laughed like he was losing his mind. Eugen stepped back, slightly frightened.

Eren's laughing fit subsided a little. He then grabbed a bullet and lifted it up to his left eye. After what he had just done, this couldn't hurt that much, right?


Eren pushed the bullet into his eye, and instantly regretted it. This hurt way more than cutting off his leg. The word screaming didn't do justice to the sound Eren made.

"Gah, it hurts. God, it hurts so much I want to die!" Eren said, muffled by the rag.

*Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Eren in the Akatsuki robe*

An hour after that ordeal, Eren was lying in a hospital bed. He had been admitted to a mental hospital for wounded soldiers, under the guise that he had no memory of where he came from our who his family was. All he could remember was his name. He sat up in his bed, and looked around his room. His eyes landed on his crutch. The memory of the pain came flooding back to him.

He looked at the clock in his room. It was one thirty. He had an hour and thirty minutes left of outside time in the courtyard, if he felt like it. He decided to go out. He grabbed his crutch and hobbled out. He walked down the long hallway, looking out of the windows, and noticed a blonde boy looking into the hospitals courtyard. He looked relatively young, and his armband implied he was a Marleyan Warrior candidate. He made Eren think of Reiner Braun, one of the three Warriors who in infiltrated Paradis. The only one to make it back.

Hmm. Interesting.

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