Chapter 1

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My name is Kayla Anne Rogers, I am 21 years old and i am a racer. Ive always loved to race, my father who past away when i was only little taught me everything there is to know about cars and racing. My mum left when i was very young, I don't even remember what she looks like or what she was like and for that it doesnt really effect me that she left.

Now here i am years later living my dream, theres just one problem.....My crew leader Luca will stop at nothing to make my life a living hell. Why? I don't know. He found me on the streets one night as i cried my heart out. I don't remember why i was crying. He comforted me and told me to go with him and that he would make it all better for me. Me being a naive teenager believed him and let him take me back to the world of racing. Don't get me wrong i thank him for how much he's done for me but at the same time i hate him because of how he makes me feel. Useless. He uses me for the races and so i can basically win him the money and respect from other racers. Me, I don't get anything in return and im use to it now.

Luca's crew are one of the best but not THE best and Luca doesn't like that at all thats why he hates Jayden Torreto. The king of racing you could say. He owns racing and decides when and where we shall race...No questions asked. I've never met him personally before but heard enough about him to know he is the best. I've seen his crew at the races, They are one big happy family. I wish i could say the same for mine, My crew is all about the competition.....No emotions or friendship involed. 

Today there was to be another race but none of us knew when that was Jayden's call. I sat on the red leather love seat in Luca's garage as he worked on his car getting it prepared to race tonight, Or shall i say for me to race tonight. Today was different though, Luca wouldn't tell me who i would be up against tonight. It didn't worry me i was really skilled at racing and barely lost. But him not telling me was unusuall and only meant that my competition was going to be extremely skilled. 

My phone vibrated in my pocket cutting my thoughts off. I pulled my phone out and checked the message i just recieved. It was from Jayden.

It read:

"Race tonight at 8:00pm, Harrow lane, Don't be late. Racers tonight are Matt Richards VS Simon Paskal, Ethan Rooks VS John Robert, Ellie Swan VS Lisa Jones and Jayden Torreto (Myself) VS Kayla Rogers."

I stared at the text in disbelief......I was really going to race Jayden Torreto?.

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