Chapter 5

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Heyyy, Im back again sorry for the long wait again, Life is crazy at the moment :)

Also this chapter is dedicated to lil0quick because you have been supporting me while i have been writing and have been giving me alot of feedback....So thank you :) 


I let out a frustrated sigh as both me and Jayden crossed the finish line at the same time. I climbed out of my Mustang and watched as Jayden walked over with that stupid smirk attached to his face.

"Well i was right, you did purposely win the other night" He said as he crossed his arms.

"No i didnt!" I gritted my teeth "I told you i lost control"

"I still don't believe you, especially with the way that prick Luca treats you" He raised his eyebrow at me waiting for my to respond.

"Can we leave Luca out of this, thats nothing to do with you" I really did not want to tell him about Luca because things would get messy...For all of us.

"Fine whatever but just know that i dont tolerate violence of my turf so if i see him doing that shit again hes banned from the races...Are we clear?" 

"Yes were clear but just know that whatever Luca does is not my problem so threaten him not me" I clneched my fists starting to get angry.

"You think this is me threatening you?" He laughed "You've got alot to learn Kayla" He smirked at me again.

"Look we raced....Can we leave it at that now?" I asked hopefully, I just wanted to get out of here now.

"We can leave it for now but just no that i never stick with a draw" He winked at me before walking off.

I huffed in annoyance and got into my car again but this time speeding off.


After parking my car, i walked into the garage where my crew were sitting drinking beers. Alice one of the girls in the crew was the first to notice me.

"Yo Kay where you been?" She jumped off the roof of her car and walked towards me "Luca is going crazy, He said you took off this morning without an explanation"

"Sorry didn't know i needed permission from my 'daddy'" I said walking past her to grab a beer from the mini fridge.

"Whats gotten into you lately?" She was looking at me suspiciously.

"Nothing im just sick of not being appreciated around here thats all" I shrugged.

"You mean Luca pushing you around?" I nodded and she sighed "Look Kay we all have difficult but you need to realise that the more you mess him about the more he messes us about, Please just think about what your doing because we will have to pay for it in the end aswell not just you" 

I looked at her thinking about what she said. She was right Luca had a really bad temper and would take it out on anyone even if it wasn't their fault. Dont get me wrong i didn't care what happened to the rest of my crew because we hated each other but Alice was a different story, Shes always been there for me and is the only one ive ever trusted since being here and i couldn't let her get hurt because of my stupidity. 

I frowned at the realisation "Your right im just being stupid, I'll talk to Luca later" I didn't wait for her to answer and just walked off still thinking about what she said.

I cant believe im about to do this.....Again.


"Luca! you here? we need to talk" There was no sign of Luca in the house and there were beer cans and drugs laying everywhere in the living room. 

I shook my head before heading to our bedroom and saw glass everywhere.....Seriously hes breaking the whole house now?  thought to myself. 

"Where have you been?" I jumped slightly and turned to see Luca standing in the doorway of the bedroom glaring at me.

"Out to the races" I said simply too tired to come up with an excuse....If i was going to get punished might aswell just get it over with. 

"Who did you race?" He asked looking at the door like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"Just some locals" I shrugged 

"Hmmmmm you mean Torreto?" He finally looked at me with a questioning look.

"No of course not, You wanted me to stay away from him so i have" 

He smirked "Glad you've finally come to your senses... You got lucky this morning Kayla but know that if you ever talk to me like that again or leave without telling me where you going there will be serious consequences, Understood?"

I gulped and nodded "Understood"

He stood up straight "Good" Then walked off leaving me frozen in the bedroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2013 ⏰

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