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(Clara's POV)

"And sold to 2487 for $25,000"said the man on the speakers. Something I hope i'd never hear. I'm being sold like property.

As I walked to the door that said 2487 ,I looked back at all the other girls that were about to be sold too. They all look terrified. I felt sorry for them but then again whats going to happen to me?!

I open the door to find a handsome man looking at me. He dressed in a black suit. Very classy and rich. His face was perfect. No blemishes and everything about him was perfect. The way he stood, the way he walked and talk were perfect. His face structure was perfect. I could clearly see his 6 pack perfectly.

"Mate" I hear him mumble. What is that supposed to mean?! He stops staring and looks mad again.

"Come on we haven't got all day. You have work to do." The mystery man says in a british accent. Gesturing towards the car door. I get in and look at him as he shuts the door in my face.


"Ah here we are home sweet home." said the mystery man. I look out the window to see a gigantic mansion with bright lights. I look at the clock in the car and it reads 12:04 pm.

The man opens the door and I get out. It was absolutely beautiful. We walk inside.

"My name is Dillon." he says taking off his jacket and hanging it up.

"Now whats your name?" Dillon asks. He is a bit more calm and gentle than the other men but I still hated him.

"Whats it to you!" I say.

He looked angry at this point. His jaw clenched.

"It was a question And HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT YOUR MASTER LIKE THAT!" he yelled and his eyes turned black! He shakes his head and they go back to a baby blue color. Am I seeing things! Am I crazy! Its my imagination.

"I will let you off with a warning considering that you are new here but we will need to talk about that attitude you have and set some ground rules." he said calming down. "but if you ever do that on purpose then there will be punishments."

"Whatever. Don't get your panties in a twist" I say.

"Excuse me!" he said starting to get mad again. His body shakes and face looks red.

"You heard me!" I said spitting in his face.

He grabbed me by the neck and through me on the ground and I blacked out. When I woke up , I saw Dillon he looked more concerned.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"I am so sorry my wolf got the best of me I promise I will try to control him next time." He was sad now.

"Whoa whoa whoa your wolf?" What the hell is he talking about??

"Yes beautiful I am a werewolf and you..." he started to stroke my cheek "Are my lovely mate."

"What!!!!!! Your insane!" I pushed he hand away from my face.

"You mean to tell me you are a werewolf....prove it"

"I dont think you want that you may not like what you see" he looked at me with a eye brow raised.

"Show me" I sat up. He chuckles to himself and starts to take his shirt off.

"Whoa what are you doing" my voice shakes.

"My clothes dont shift with me. And I think its very inappropriate to rip good clothes such as these."

He starts taking his shirt off and I couldnt stop staring but when he went to take his boxers off i clobered my eyes. Then i heard bones snapping and then there was a beautiful grey wolf in front of me. Its had baby blue eyes. when he turned again he was naked so I quickly closed my eyes.

"Believe me now?" he said with a smirk.

"Yes! Now get some clothes on!" He chuckles at my statement.

"What you don't like me being naked?" He teases and i blush 50 shades of red.

***Hello! Auther here I just want to say a few things. I will post everyday if not twice a day! I would really appreciate the support! Like and follow me please!!! If u follow me ill follow u. If u have any suggestions tell me and i will do my best to do them! Oh and if u have any ideas for a story i would be happy to write it.***

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