Chapter 4

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Today is the Contest, and the group heads to the Contest Hall. 

Serena and Chloe went to the dressing room, while Ash and Goh went to their seats. In the dressing room, Chloe struggled finding a dress to wear. "Oh, there's so many wonderful dresses, I don't know which one to choose." she said. 

Just as she walked by another bar of clothes, Chloe looked at a pink dress. "Oh wow this one looks cute!" she said. "That one was worn by popular Hoenn Coordinator May, the Princess of Hoenn." Serena said. "But doesn't it look too flashy?" Chloe asked. "Don't worry about that. If you wear this on stage, you might meet another side of yourself, a side you've never seen before. And that goes for Eevee too." Serena said. Chloe nodded and both her and Serena went to the changing room. 

While in the changing room, Serena pulled out a dress, a blue ribbon, and a blue diamond anklet. 

After she finished changing, Chloe came out wearing the dress she chose, and was waiting for Serena. A few minutes later, Serena comes out wearing her old performer's outfit. "Oh wow, Serena. You look stunning!" Chloe said. "Thanks Chloe! This is my old outfit from when I was performing in Kalos." Serena said. Chloe then noticed the blue ribbon and the anklet. "What are those?" she asked, pointing at the anklet and ribbon. "Oh, this is the blue ribbon that Ash gave me during our journey through Kalos. And this anklet is to show that I already love someone." Serena said. Chloe could guess who it is, but decided not to push the topic.

With Ash and Goh

As Ash and Goh head to their seats, they met up with Wallace. "Hey Wallace." Ash said. "Hi there, Ash and Goh. What are you two doing here?" Wallace said. "We're here to cheer on Serena and Chloe. What about you?" Ash said. "I am here to cheer on my niece." Wallace said. "Cool! Wanna join us and find our seats?" Ash asked. "Sure." Wallace said. 

When they get to their seats, they see the announcer coming on stage to give everyone a welcome speech. "Welcome everyone to the Contest spectacular!" Vivian said, as the whole auditorium erupted in cheers and whistles. "Today, we are going to have sixteen beautiful and young coordinators in today's event. After the event, the two girls who advocated for this event will choose two people in this whole crowd as their partners, and have a spectacular battle for us!" Vivian said. Nearly everyone in the crowd was cheering, with many hoping that the two coordinators Vivian mentioned will pick them.


Chloe is the fifth up to perform, but is nervous about performing in front of thousands of people. Serena was looking out in the crowd, trying to spot Ash when she noticed Chloe looked nervous. "Hey Chloe you okay?" Serena asked. "Not really. I'm a little nervous." Chloe said. "Sylveon and I were also nervous when we did our first performance together. But remember that a Performer always needs to put on a smile." Serena said. "I know, but it's just that I keep thinking about what might happen if I screw up my performance." Chloe said. "Don't worry about it, and besides, you have Eevee with you, so you won't feel alone." Serena said. Chloe looked at Eevee and realized she wasn't going to do this alone. "You're right! I'm gonna go out there and do my best!" Chloe said to herself as she was called up to the stage.

On stage

"Our next coordinator is the girl Lisia recently scouted. This is her first time participating in a contest; please welcome Chloe!" Vivian said. 

Chloe and Eevee then appear on stage, and the cheers. Chloe was still nervous, but Eevee looked back at her with a determined smile. "You're right, Eevee. Thank you." Chloe said. She then breathed in and out to compose herself and put on a smile. "Eevee, let us use our past meetings to inspire us, and use the power the audience has given us!" Chloe said. Eevee knew what to do, and started charging the move it's going to use. "Now use Fairy Wind!" Chloe commanded. Eevee then releases a massive Fairy Wind into the air. "Now, climb it!" Chloe said. Eevee begins to jump from one string of wind to the next. "Now slide down using Ice Beam." Chloe said. Eevee charged up its Ice Beam, and slid down it. Eevee then created a ramp for itself and then made a stunning landing in front of Chloe. 

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