Chapter 2

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While Serena and Chloe were talking and training at the Pokemon center, Ash, Goh and Wallace went to the Contest Hall to have their battle.

Some time earlier. Lilycove City Contest Hall

Ash, Goh and Wallace entered the contest hall for a short tour, and then a Pokemon battle between Wallace and Ash."And this is the main auditorium. This is where all the coordinators will be performing." Wallace said. "And this is the battlefield, where an exhibition match is going to take place after the performances." 

As they walked closer to the battlefield, they spot the Commander with a group of Alliance soldiers, giving them their orders. "And remember, we still don't know if they will make an appearance, so keep vigilant." the commander said to his men. "Yes sir!" his sergeant said, saluting. The rest of them salute and head back to the bar to relax. 

Just then, Ash runs up to the Commander. "Hey Commander!" Ash said. "Oh hey kid. What are you doing here?" the Commander asked, noticing Goh and Wallace walk up to them. "Wallace challenged me to a battle." Ash said. The Commander smiles under his helmet at this. "I see. Well then, better get ready." he says. Ash and Wallace take their positions on each side of the battlefield.

(Note: this will be my first time writing a Pokemon Battle, so it's not going to be perfect. Also, I am going to be random with certain attacks, as I haven't watched Journeys in weeks.)

Commander: This will be a 3v3 battle between Contest Master and Sootopolis City Gym leader, Wallace, and Alola Region Champion Ash Ketchum!

"Let's have an awesome Battle, Wallace!" Ash said. "And good luck to you, Ash!" Wallace said. "Trainers, send out your Pokemon!" the Commander said, gesturing them both to release their first Pokemon. "Pikachu, I choose you!" Ash said, with Pikachu jumping off his shoulder. "Time to dazzle, Walrein!" Wallace said. Walrein landed on the ground and gave out a small, but loud roar. 

"Battle begin!" the Commander said, shooting a small missile from his right wrist gauntlet. "Walrein, use Water Gun!" Wallace said. 

Just then, Walrein's mouth opened, and hurled water towards Pikachu. "Pikachu, dodge and use Thunderbolt!" Ash said. Pikachu jumped in the air, and shot a large lightning bolt at Walrein. "Defend with Water Gun!" Wallace said, with Walrein hurling out even more water. "What the-??" Ash exclaimed. "Even water type moves can cancel out electric type moves." Wallace said, reminding Ash of his battle against Misty during his class field trip back to Kanto. "Just like Misty's Gyrados." Ash thought to himself. "Now, use Powder snow on the ground!" Wallace said. 

Ash realizes that the entire battlefield is wet and needs to get Pikachu into a stable position. "Pikachu, jump in the air with a Quick Attack-Iron Tail combo!" Ash commanded. Pikachu jumped in the air using Iron, and used Quick Attack to accelerate his height. "Now use Iron Tail on the ground!" Ash said. Pikachu then slammed Iron Tail on the ground, breaking much of the ice around him. "That was impressive! I believe you've done this before?" Wallace said. "Yeah! It was fun and this is fun as well!" Ash said, as memories of his battles in Kalos were coming back to him. "Well then Let's make this more interesting. Walrein, use Blizzard!" Wallace said. 

Walrein let out a windy howl, trying to blow Pikachu away. "Pikachu, remember our battle against Viola!" Ash said. Pikachu, remembering their old strategy against Viola, used Iron Tail and slammed it into the ground, catching even Wallace off-guard. "Nice work! Now, use thunderbolt!" Pikachu fired off a massive Thunderbolt at Walrein, causing it to faint. "Walrein is unable to battle, Pikachu wins!" the Commander said. "Impressive performance, Ash! I can tell you and Pikachu did this before." Wallace said. "Yep! When we were in Kalos, we battled the Santalune City Gym leader and won." Ash said. "I see." Wallace said, returning Walrein to its Pokeball.

"Wallace, send out your next Pokemon!" Commander said. "Time to shine, Swampert!" Wallace said, throwing a Pokeball in there, revealing a massive blue frog-like Pokemon. "Alright Pikachu, take a break." Ash said, gesturing Pikachu to come back. "Gengar, I choose you!" Ash said, as he threw Gengar's Pokeball out, releasing iron to the battlefield. 

"Battle begin!" the Commander said. "Gengar, use Dark Pulse!" Ash said. Gengar then put his hands together, releasing a pulse of dark energy towards Swampert. "Swampert, dodge and use Mud Shot!" Wallace said. Swampert dodged the Dark Pulse, and then spat out large balls of mud at Gengar, hitting it. "Gengar, you okay??" Ash said. Gengar then got up and nodded. "Great! Use Mean Look to paralyze it!" Ash commanded. Gengar then stared at Swampert, causing it to go stiff like a statue. "Now, finish it with Shadow Punch!" Ash said. Gengar's first then radiated with dark energy, hitting Swampert. "Swampert, you alright??" Wallace asked. Swampert was tired and hurt, but gave a small nod that he was still able to battle. "Great! Now, use Earthquake!" Wallace commanded. Swampert then slam both hands down on the ground, causing it to shake and crack its way towards Gengar. "Gengar, use Teleport, then use Shadow Punch." Ash said. Gengar then teleported away in time, behind Swampert, knocking it out with a punch. "Swampert is unable to battle! Gengar wins!" the Commander said. "You did amazing, Swampert." Wallace said, returning Swampert back to its Pokeball.

"Wallace, bring out your final Pokemon." the Commander said. "Join the show, my star, Milotic!" Wallace, throwing Milotic's ball in the air. "Gengar, get some rest." Ash said, returning Gengar and pulling another Pokeball "Lucario, I choose you!" Ash said, throwing Lucario's ball in the air. 

"Battle begin!" the commander said. "Milotic, use Hydro Pump!" Wallace said. Milotic then spat out a massive gust of water at Lucario, who was standing there. "Use Bone Rush to deflect it!" Ash said. Lucario then formed a long bone-like staff, twirling it to deflect the Hydro pump away. "Now, use Aqua Tail!" Wallace said. Milotic's tail was then surrounded by water. It leaped into the air, about to smack Lucario into the ground. "Use Quick Attack to dodge, and use Bone Rush!" Ash said. Lucario lit up and disappeared and reappeared behind Milotic, hitting it with its bone. Milotic was now on the ground, injured. "Now, use Aura Sphere!" Ash said. Lucario landed on the ground, and formed a ball of Aura in its hands, throwing towards Milotic. "Use Aqua Tail to slam it back!" Wallace said. Milotic's tail was covered in water again, and slammed the Aura Sphere like a baseball. "Use Bone Rush to hit it up in the air!" Ash said. Lucario summoned another long bone, and used it lika baseball bat, hitting the Aura Sphere in the air. "Now slam it back!" Ash said. Lucario then jumped in the air, and slammed the Aura Sphere back down at such fast speeds, that Wallace doesn't have time to warn Milotic. "Milotic!" Wallace said, seeing Milotic get hit. When the smoke cleared, Milotic was on the ground, with swirling eyes. 

"Milotic is unable to battle! Ash and Lucario win!" the Commander said. "You did well, Milotic. Get some rest." Wallace said, returning Milo back to its Pokeball. "You all did amazing, guys!" Ash siad, hugging all three of his Pokemon. "That was an awesome battle Ash!" Goh said, exhilarated by the battle he just witnessed. "Indeed, kid. That was one hell of a battle." the Commander said. "Thank you for this battle, Ash. It was a fun and informative experience." Wallace said, putting his hand out. "Thanks! This was the most fun I've had battling in a long time!" Ash said, shaking Wallace's hand.

30 minutes later at the Pokemon Center

"That was an awesome battle, Ash!" Goh said. "Thanks Goh! I'm still surprised I won" Ash said. "There you two are. Where have you been?", Chloe asks, walking up to them, slightly annoyed. "Sorry, but I was challenged to a battle by Wallace.", Ash said, rubbing the back of his head. "And I caught an Altaria." Goh said. 

Just as they were finished, Serena walked up to them and was stunned to see Ash. "Ash?", Serena said. Ash looked behind Chloe and saw Serena. "Serena?"

To be continued

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